To reap high yields regarding superior potency, it is necessary to plant seeds of high quality. Additionally, it is necessary to get seeds from the best strain. Individuals need to be fully aware of the requirements of strains and quality to ensure that they plant the right seeds. Poor choice of marijuana seeds will reflect on the quality of the buds or seeds that are harvested depending on the needs of individuals. Here is a little cheat sheet that will help in picking the right seeds.
Manifestation Of Poor Quality In Later Stages
Of great importance in the consideration is the fact that the quality will manifest later and the user will have no inkling of it during and after the germination, right up till the harvest, or immediately before the harvest. Choose the location where you plan to grow the marijuana with care. Choose between quality and quantity, cost and convenience. If you are looking for quality and do not mind a slightly higher investment that may be needed, choose indoor growing. If you wish to have a high yield without having to work yourself out a lot, then choose outdoor varieties. This should be the first filter of choice of seeds. Here you will have to strike a balance by looking at costs, quality, and yield quantity. It is important to note here that when you opt for indoor varieties, you get an advantage of being able to grow the right varieties all throughout the year, and this will not be possible with outdoor varieties.
Choose Type Of Seeds As Per Your Needs
If you are looking at a good yield of buds, then the seeds that you choose should be feminine. This way you get a good yield of buds, and if you liked the strain that you grow and would like to keep it continuing, then you should get the female plants pollinated. To get the plants pollinated with male plants, you need to have a small number of male plants. This means that you should opt for photoperiod or regular seeds, which will result in a combination of male and female plants. However, you need to remember that you will have to give up the yield from the plants which may have given you buds in place of the seeds. But, looking at it from a cost perspective, it is always a good idea to grow your seeds. While you may have to keep purchasing a limited number of seeds at regular intervals to maintain the numbers or to meet the shortfall, it always pays to have a good stock of seeds from your patch.
Be aware of the type of strains that you choose. Ask a few questions to yourself before you pick the seeds of particular strains. Are you looking at the weed for medicinal value? If it is yes, then you need to choose a variety that offers higher ration of CBD in it. Similarly, choose varieties as per your specific needs.