How to Choose A CBD Dosing Chart for Dogs

Cannabis plants are truly marvelous, when you think about it more closely. No, I’m not talking about weed and getting stoned. In my opinion, there’s nothing truly marvelous about that. I’m talking about the breakthrough in medicine involving this plant and its compounds. For a long time now, medical marijuana has been used for multiple beneficial purposes. Here’s some additional info on medical marijuana.

Is There More To Cannabis?

Today, however, there are more things we can expect to get from cannabis than medical marijuana. There are non-psychoactive compounds inside this plant that have been proven to be highly significant for the health and wellbeing of both people and animals. This is most probably the biggest breakthrough by now – the fact that we can now safely mention cannabis when talking about our pets.

If you thought that I am advocating for the use of medical marijuana on animals, then your brain has let you in a completely different direction than I had in mind. I mentioned non-psychoactive compounds, remember? That means that I am talking about products containing no THC at all. Those are the products providing your pet with all the benefits that cannabis can give them, but keeping them free of the danger of getting high.

If you haven’t guessed it by now, I am talking about Cannabidiol. Its properties are by now well known among dog owners. There are very few people left who haven’t tried CBD yet, be it to ease their canines’ pain, inflammation, anxiety or seizures, or to simply promote their health and help them maintain the perfect balance, i.e. homeostasis.

What’s The Latest Issue?

While dog owners no longer have issues with deciding whether they should give CBD to their pups, a new issue has risen. It has to do with dosing charts like the one offered at and the owners’ ability to choose the right chart and consequently administer the right dose to their dog. This seems to be the latest thing that’s confusing people regarding these products.

As luck would have, when there is an issue, there’s always a solution. Of course, this has less to do with luck than with meticulous research, but I know people like the idea of having chance involved in their lives. On the other hand, they don’t want to leave anything to chance when it comes to their drooling, four-pawed companions, and that’s worth admiring.

That’s why they get frustrated when they see different CBD charts on different places online. If you are one of those people, I want you to know that I completely understand your confusion. With the aim of helping you be perfectly clear on the right dosage for this product, I will give you the most important tip on how to choose the right chart.

It’s As Serious as Choosing a Supplier

Choosing the right chart is no less important than choosing the right supplier of CBD. We are all very aware of the fact that there might be people selling fake products that might even be harmful to your dogs. This is why you need to have your eyes wide open when choosing the right supplier, and the same goes for charts.

Of course, since these charts are usually given for free online, you might wonder why anyone would put in an effort to scam you with it. They don’t get anything out of it, right? Wrong! First of all, they put in an effort to create a chart in order to make their website look professional and trustworthy while selling low-quality products. Secondly, those charts might be designed to get you to buy bigger amounts of products.

If possible, it is always best to find a chart on the website of the reliable supplier that you have previously chosen. This is because different products contain different amounts of CBD and the chart will be most accurate if it is linked to the specific product that you are buying. Simply put, the right dose will not be the same with CBD dog treats and with oils, but it also won’t be the same with treats from two different manufacturers.

The best advice that anyone can give you is to worry about finding the perfect supplier first, and about the chart second. If you have any luck, you will find this on one and the same website. If it happens, however, that your specific supplier cannot offer you a chart, then you should consult a vet in order to determine the right dosage.

The vet will want to see the label of the product in order to check for CBD concentration, and they will need to know the weight of your canine. In some cases, they will also need to know the reason behind giving your dog CBD in the first place. Once you provide the info, they shouldn’t have any troubles with determining the right dosage.