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How To Determine The Right CBD Oil Dosage For Every Use

What is the correct or right CBD oil dosage for every use? To get things straight, there’s no one universal approach for every CBD oil user. Each person has their tolerance level and needs, so this must also come as a consideration. 

Additionally, some factors, such as the level of pain or discomfort to be corrected by CBD, body type, and tolerance, should be considered. Then, there’s also the need to check the labels, as different CBD oils also have their respective dosages. These can affect the body differently than others.

Here, you’ll learn about how to measure the proper dosage of CBD oil each time you use it. Additionally, you’ll also learn about all the other key considerations to factor in. Read through below to learn more.

1. Review What Research Has To Say

As CBD continues to be more prevalent in use, all the more that there’s a lot of information coming in about CBD oil. While there’s a widespread acceptance of CBD oil for use, so much more discussion is still coming in about its consumption. 

With the research studies consistently coming in, it’s up to you also to take advantage of all this given information. Should any changes or updates come into play regarding standards, you know that you’re still within limits.

Completed studies all show one common point: CBD oil is generally safe to take. But, this also doesn’t mean that it’s not without any side effects, as people can react differently to CBD. 

Hence, along the line of research saying that CBD is safe, the universal application of CBD oil is yet to be determined. Studies today only highlight the fact that people and human beings all have different reactions to CBD oil.

2. Consider How CBD Oil Will Benefit You

When you factor in the benefits of CBD oil, don’t just consider the benefits that it has for everyone in general. Instead, dig deeper by taking into consideration the use that CBD oil will have for you. When you decide to use CBD, generally, that’s because there’s that one discomfort or ailment that you’d want to be solved.

For most people, CBD oil has the following benefits:

  • Better management of health conditions affecting the immune system
  • Insomnia and other sleep disorders
  • Chronic pain
  • Mood disorders
  • Epilepsy
  • Anxiety and depression

Depending on the specific purpose that CBD oil will have for you, naturally, your doctor will give you the required dose. For instance, patients suffering from severe pain may need to take more than those that need carefully controlled dosages because of anxiety.

3. Always Start Small

This section applies to those who decide how much CBD oil they’re going to take. For instance, you don’t have a prescription from a doctor or a medical professional. In this case, all the more that you need to stay within minimal doses. There’s no need for you to go over the required dose since the whole point of using CBD here is for you to stay healthy.

Here’s a sample computation of what “starting small” means, in terms of the dosage. This calculation can also help you determine how much THC in a gram, you’ll need. Remember that in every bottle, for CBD oil to be non-psychoactive, the THC level should not go beyond 0.3% of the entire quantity. 

You may want to begin first with only 20mg to 40mg per day. Then, after a week of consistent CBD oil usage, you can increase this by 5mg. Continue doing so until you can feel that the CBD oil is already treating or managing your symptoms well enough.

4. Increase Only When You Need To

Apart from starting small, another tip that you can apply is to increase only whenever you need to.

For example, you’re using CBD oil because of the extreme pain that you experience. In this case, you may want to start with a more substantial dose at 40mg. If the pain worsens, then you can also increase the dose to 45mg. Then go up to 50mg if it’s needed.

When the pain already becomes so much more bearable, don’t also forget to reduce your dosage. In this kind of intake, you should keep track of your progress and dosage in a notebook.

5. Factor In Important Dosage Considerations

While no dose applies universally to everyone, there’s one thing that remains constant: the dosage considerations. Whenever you’re trying to decipher the proper dosage for yourself, do factor in also the important dosage considerations.

Here are some of these dosage considerations that you must use:

  • Desired effects. This applies especially to those that are using CBD topically or therapeutically. Generally, their optimal dose will boil down according to the level of pain or discomfort that you’re experiencing. For those who have milder concerns, or wish to relax better, then you may want lower doses with less pronounced effects. However, if you’re treating chronic pain, then you may need a higher dose to manage your symptoms.
  • Concentration. This fact is precisely why it’s imperative to check the label in every bottle of CBD oil that you have. Each CBD oil has its concentration level. By this, it refers to the strength or total amount of CBD that a product has. Generally, this is measured in milligrams or mg.
  • Tolerance. Because CBD is an all-natural herb, this also means that it may have an after taste. Some have a higher tolerance towards this, but some are more sensitive to it. Generally, when you’ve been using CBD for a long time now, it’s understood that your tolerance for CBD also increases. So, if you’re a newbie, you also might want to consider your tolerance level as well.


Especially when you’re still a first-time CBD user, all the more that there’s a need for you to always consult the expert advice of a physician or a health professional. Whenever you’re given a dosage limit, always stick to this. 

Even if you’re using an all-natural product, this doesn’t mean that you’re a hundred percent safe from side effects. Each person can react differently to different components, after all. 

Now that you’ve also got all this information on how to determine the right CBD oil dosage for you, now you’re more aware of how you can use CBD oil appropriately.