One of the most common sex problems among men is erectile dysfunction (ED). According to the statistics presented by the American Medical Association (AMA), around 30 million men reported having it in 2015. The researches expect this number to double by 2030 since ED has started affecting men in their twenties and thirties as well. It is not only about poor performance in bed; trouble getting an erection can also be the sign of severe health problems including diabetes, high or low testosterone, and high blood pressure. That’s why it is important to pay attention to your body signals.
A lot of men mistakenly believe that it is a normal part of getting old and that it is impossible to do something about it. However, most doctors agree that primary ED (when a man has never had an erection) and secondary ED (occasional) can be reversed. The most important thing is to find the root of the problem.
Make an appointment with the doctor
In some cases, secondary erectile dysfunction can be treatable with surgery or medication. You can also check viagra, cialis and noxitril reviews online and ask your doctor about the dosage.
According to the Food and Drug Administration (FDA), Viagra overdose leads to headache, back pain, blurred vision, flu-like symptoms, and even death (from a heart attack). Be aware of all possible side-effects and follow your doctor’s recommendations. Seek professional help instead of self-medication.
Not all erection problems can be treated with medication. Some men only need to make slight lifestyle changes or go to sex therapy in case they have psychological barriers.
According to the American Sexual Health Association, these are the fundamental lifestyle changes that can help you get and keep erection:
Regular exercise
Being overweight can directly affect your erection since it is closely linked to low levels of serum and testosterone.
Medical studies conducted by the University of the West in the UK proved that regular exercises can help in 40 % of ED cases. Forty-five minutes of being active every day improved participants’ health. Also, it helped manage and reduce stress, and improve circulation. At the end of the experiment, all men reported increased energy levels.
Quit smoking
Smoking is one of the numerous factors that can cause impotence. A study conducted in 2004, revealed that smokers had a higher risk of experiencing ED. Males who quit smoking improved their sexual performance after one month. The researchers have found that smoking can hinder blood flow and damage blood vessels. So, every time you have an urge to smoke a cigarette, remember about the possible risks connected to nicotine dependence.
Healthy eating
Healthy eating has a direct impact on your performance in bed. That’s why it is considered one of the main remedies for men. First of all, it can help you maintain healthy body weight and reduce the risk of type 2 diabetes. More than that, it will help boost your energy levels and stimulate the release of sexual hormones. Make sure to include into your daily diet spinach, bananas, tomatoes, hot sauce, watermelon, ginger, pomegranate, and green tea. According to studies, eating these foods will help you fight erectile dysfunction. Also, don’t forget about edible aphrodisiacs such as oysters, dark chocolate, chili peppers, strawberries, avocados, and asparagus. They can increase sexual drive and your general performance.
Another important thing is to avoid excessive drinking. It can help people get into the mood. However, it has a negative impact on men’s performance in bed. If you have a date night, consider drinking a glass or two of red of wine.
Sex therapy
Erectile dysfunction affects men of all ages, according to the statistics from the American Medical Association. 20 % of men who struggle with ED have a number of psychological issues including depression, performance anxiety, low self-esteem, pornography addiction, and relationship problems. If your doctor sees that you don’t have any health-related problems that can cause ED, you will need to go to sex therapy. A licensed mental health provider will be able to find the root of your problem and treat it. Most probably, you will talk about way more things than just sex. Do not hesitate to take your partner to the therapy session or go by yourself.
The most common psychological cause of erectile dysfunction is performance anxiety. In this case, the conversation is necessary to ease feelings of tension and relive worries.
You will have to plan at least five sessions of sexual counseling to improve your performance in bed. You will be able to discuss what worries you and get some practical recommendations. Admit that there is a problem and take some steps towards solving it.
You should stop believing myths about erectile dysfunction and start living a full-fledged life. First of all, it is treatable, you just need to seek professional help. Exciting sex life isn’t over. There are just hours of therapy between you two. Be a man and get your treatment.