What Is CBD?
CBD is a chemical component of the hemp plant that occurs in the stems and leaves. It is otherwise known as Cannabidiol. Not to be confused with THC, or tetrahydrocannabinol, which is the active ingredient in marijuana. THC is a psychoactive, narcotic pain medication that is a controlled substance. While THC and CBD have pain control in common, CBD is non-drowsy, non-narcotic, and is sold over the counter, without a prescription.
CBD has only recently been found for use in pain control. Studies recently found that CBD binds with the same pain receptors as THC, and provides pain relief to people – without causing the symptoms associated with taking a psychoactive, narcotic medication: there is no drowsiness, no altered perception of reality, no lowered inhibitions, no intoxicated feeling, CBD can’t cause you to fail a drug screen, and it can’t cause you to get a charge of driving while intoxicated. It is not habit forming. The only side effects that most people report are minor allergic reactions from the topical ointments.
People are finding that they have decreased pain when using CBD products, such as soothe cbd ointment. It is quickly becoming a very popular natural product when used for pain issues. Although there are no major drug interactions that are caused by CBD, it is always wise to tell your doctor if you are planning to use a new drug – even an herbal one, especially if you have existing health problems or use other medications regularly. Don’t begin use of CBD before you get your doctor’s ok to do so.
Topical CBD
Many people who suffer from problems like fibromyalgia, arthritis (including osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis), bursitis, tendonitis, carpal tunnel syndrome, plantar fasciitis, TMJ pain, myofascial pain syndrome, chronic fatigue syndrome, complex regional pain syndrome, chronic headache (including tension headache, migraine headache and cluster headaches), pain from shingles, pain from lyme’s disease, peripheral neuropathy secondary to diabetes, arterial and venous insufficiency, and chemotherapy, and other neuropathic and chronic pain issues enjoy the results they have found using CBD topically, or in a combination of topical and oral CBD therapy.
Oral CBD
CBD taken orally can be used for additional issues, and some people use it for problems like anxiety and seizure disorder, as well as pain issues. Of course, anyone who suffers from seizure disorder should never self-prescribe, or change their treatment plan without consulting their doctor. While side effects of orally dosed CBD are rare, the most frequently reported problems include: fatigue, diarrhea, nausea, changes in appetite, weight loss or gain, dry mouth, and low blood pressure. More serious side effects have been reported by those who have used synthetic CBD. The production of synthetic CBD is not regulated, and is therefore a dangerous product to use. Look only for completely pure and plant-based CBD products. Synthetic CBD is at the very best, much more likely to contain dangerous ingredients that may be harmful to use. The Centers for Disease Control reported recently on a case of five people who used synthetic CBD in Utah, and suffered from serious, life threatening side effects, including seizures, loss of consciousness, and seizures.
Always put safety first when choosing any medication – herbal, over the counter, prescription or non-prescription. Never use unregulated, synthetic drugs that might be sold at gas stations or truck stops. These kinds of substances have repeatedly caused detrimental health issues for people who have used them, and are usually awaiting review from government watchdog agencies, who will eventually (in most cases) remove them from the market because of the dangerous nature of their manufacture.