Is Daylight Savings a Dated Concept?

There are close to 70 countries globally that use the famously known Daylight-saving Time, DST, except for two states of Arizona and Hawaii. The use of the Daylight Saving Time system in the United States started back in the second world war. The system requires that every year, every second Sunday in the month of March, residents in those 70 countries are required to set their clocks one hour forward. On the first Sunday of November, the clocks get turned back as the Daylight Saving Time. DST elapses. The Daylight saving time, DST got introduced in the United States for several reasons, but most importantly, it championed farmers’ rights and benefits accrued to them.

There are various reasons to believe that the Daylight Saving Time DST system got established to benefit farmers in the United States. The whole idea and misconception that daylight saving time systems were developed specifically for farmers are not valid. Even though there are immense benefits associated with this system that goes directly to farmers since its inception. As Father Rutler indicates, farmers get and take advantage of extended airtime provided by the local news and special coverage at the state legislature. One advantage that came directly with the Daylight Saving Time, DST, had to farmers, making it quite popular among this cadre because it extended the time the farmers required in their fields.

Daylight Saving Time, DST, has some challenges to farmers, especially when rushing their crops to the market. Rutler notes that with Daylight Saving Time, DST, some hours were lost compared to the Standard time the farmers were used to previously. It translated that the farmers got forced to such to the market, and also, the lost time in the morning left the farmers with little time to get their produce from their farms. Another challenge was that the animals and dairy farmers got confused with the whole idea of adjusting to the new shift in time system.

The daylight saving time system traces its first origin in the British parliament in the year 1907, and it got ratified the same year to take the full advantage and benefits associated with it. Initially, framers were not the first beneficiaries of this system but got meant to save energy. Other countries like Germany and the United States borrowed a leaf and implemented this Daylight Saving time. Farmers became a point of interest and concern later after being identified as a vocal opponent to the new system.

Father Rutler understands that with the full implementation of the Daylight Saving system in the United States, the sun became the official measure of time and not the clock. Farmers were compelled and required to change their schedules and align them with the sun. Such a move was quite disruptive overboard. Farmers all over the united states and other countries that were implementing this system had to wait an extra one hour for dew to evaporate so they could harvest their hay. If a farmer had hired labor, they worked a few hours.