Most people grow up hearing that they need to eat spinach every day because it is good for them. This green leafy vegetable is inexpensive and full of vitamins, minerals, and other nutrients needed for a healthy life. Here’s a look at why it is beneficial to eat spinach on a daily basis.
1. Strengthens Muscles
There is a compound in spinach, factor C0-Q10, that plays a huge role on strengthening muscles, including the heart muscles. It is an antioxidant that can be used to treat certain cardiovascular diseases including heart failure, coronary heart disease, and hypertension. By regular consumption you can ward off these potential threats. C0-Q10 works wonders in the defense of such issues.
2. High in Potassium
Potassium is extremely important for your health and eating spinach can provide you with a good amount of it. Potassium helps to keep brain functioning at normal levels, lowers blood sugars, promotes regular muscle contraction, prevents muscle cramps, and improves the health of bones.
3. High in Iron
Spanish is also known for having high properties of iron. With more and more people being diagnosed with anemia, this is a great option to introduce into your daily diet. It can naturally build up your iron supplies, keeping you from having to supplement. Although supplemented iron is better then no iron, getting the vitamins and minerals you need from a natural source will always be the best option.
4. Improves Digestion
Spinach is high in fiber which is excellent for the digestive system. Individuals with chronic constipation typically can see a difference in their bowel movements within 24 hours after eating spinach. Spinach also protects the mucus membranes in the stomach lining, which helps to prevent stomach ulcers.
5. Fights Cancer
Spinach is high in flavonoids, which serve as powerful antioxidants. Antioxidants work to fight free radicals, which helps to fight cancer. The Florida Cancer Center recommends that individuals eat spinach every day to help fight cancer.
6. Improves the Immune System
Since spinach has a high nutrition content, is beneficial to the entire immune system. It provides nutrition to white blood cells, helps your wounds heal faster, stops bleeding gums, and protects the entry points in the body. Spinach also helps the body to repair itself.
7. Good for the Eyes
Spinach contains antioxidants lutein and zeaxanthin which are both very good for your eyesight. These antioxidants help to prevents cataracts and age related muscular degeneration. Not only do they help fight off diseases such as cataracts, but with regular consumption in your daily diet you can have improved vision.
If your parents always told you how healthy spinach is, they were right! It is a food with so many health benefits. It is important to have children begin eating spinach at an early age. This food provides many benefits to growing children, all the way up to aged adults. It is important to try to include spinach in your everyday diet to receive optimal health benefits. Spinach can be eaten in many ways, which helps to mix things up a bit, making it easier to consume this amazing vegetable.