The medical reasons behind why a naturally fermented probiotic is superior over lab produced.

It is a well-known fact that all probiotics are definitely not created equal. This is why it is essential to ensure that when you need to take a probiotic, you are taking one that is the most suitable for your body’s specific requirements, such as BIO-15 probiotics

So, if all probiotics are not the same, which type is considered superior from a medical point of view? 

Well, it is generally accepted by many health professionals that a naturally fermented probiotic is far superior over a lab-produced probiotic and this article will discuss the medical reasons for this. This leads to optimum health benefits, hence worthy of a better understanding. (This explains why naturally fermented probiotics are superior.) 

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Lab-produced probiotics undergo extensive manufacturing which includes being exposed to very high temperatures and pressures. This is not ideal as gut-friendly bacteria simply do not survive under such conditions. 

When it comes to the natural fermentation process, probiotics are allowed to grow, survive and even thrive, resulting in incredibly stable and viable lactic acid bacteria. 

When taking a regular probiotic that has not been naturally fermented, the gut-friendly bacteria contained therein will simply not survive the harsh environment of the stomach where strong stomach acids are plentiful. This means that gut-friendly bacteria do not reach the intestines and colon where they are most needed.  

With naturally fermented probiotics, the capsules consist of double-coated (or enteric) coverings which can withstand stomach acids, enzymes and bile. This ensures that the gut receives the full complement of friendly bacteria for optimal health benefits. 

It is vital to ensure that your gut has an abundance of “good” bacteria in order to outweigh the negative impacts of “bad” bacteria. Unhealthy gut bacteria produces countless toxins that are responsible for illnesses, accelerating the aging process and even death. However, if the gut has a healthy ratio of bacteria (preferably 85% good bacteria and around 15% of bad bacteria), the body is in a much better position to combat disease and other harmful side effects. 

Healthy bacteria plays a crucial role in the production of vitamins B and K, and amino acids. In addition, it has powerful anti-cancer, anti-viral, anti-cholesterol and detoxification properties, which help to boost the immune system and aid in the healthy digestion of foods. 

Human beings are initially exposed to a healthy gut balance very early in life: This happens through the birth process and by drinking their mothers’ breast milk. Later on, the human body can suffer from an unhealthy balance of gut bacteria for several reasons. The main reason is taking an antibiotic which indiscriminately kills all gut bacteria, irrespective if they are healthy or not. Another reason for unhealthy levels of bad gut bacteria is very often a hormonal imbalance caused by pregnancy, menopause or taking hormone replacement medication. More often than not, a harmful gut bacteria imbalance is due to following an unhealthy lifestyle, eating highly processed and healthy foods and drinking water that has not been purified. The overuse of antibiotics, exposure to pesticides, herbicides and harmful chemicals and experiencing high levels of stress are also and news for overall gut health. 

A decrease in healthy bacteria in your gut often results in the yeast (e.g. Candida) in your colon being activated, which can have serious health implications if the unbalance is not addressed. In fact, research conducted by the Royal Society of Medicine of Great Britain has indicated that a whopping 90% of all diseases, conditions and illnesses are actually caused by an unhealthy balance of gut bacteria and gastro-intestinal infection. 

Luckily, taking a naturally fermented probiotic can help to break this vicious cycle and will help the body to stave off disease, malnutrition and even mental health problems. 

Such probiotics are also officially classified as “super probiotics” and for good reason! The reason for this is that their encapsulation can withstand stomach acid, but also since these products contain all three major components that are essential to a healthy gut: several strains of probiotics (including lactobacillus acidophilus), various types of prebiotics, as well as supernatant (or biogenics). 

In addition to its main ingredient of live, friendly gut bacteria, a naturally fermented probiotic packs a powerful health punch and contains many other beneficial ingredients. These include as much nutrients that one would find in over 128 kinds of herbs, plants and mushrooms, 10 kinds of essential vitamins, 18 amino acids, as well as 4 strains of organic acids. 

It is for these medical reasons that many healthcare practitioners (including medical doctors, naturopaths and herbalists) are now recommending taking a naturally fermented probiotic over a conventional one.