The usefulness of CBD oil for dogs

The usefulness of CBD oil for dogs

The study and research into CBD benefits have been evolving over
the years and a lot has been known about its usefulness and benefits if applied
properly. Medicine also is known as cannabidiol, is equally useful for humans
and animals. Especially suitable for dogs, this medicine can do wonders in
treating their medical issues. Most importantly, this medicine has not been
found manifesting any side effects among pets. 

The CBD products are now in high demand as experts believe that
these can be potential alternatives for treating arthritis and cancer in humans
and dogs. Now that it is useful against these deadly diseases, CBD treatment
for pets is now being developed.

How safe are CBD treatments
for dogs? 

CBD is a product extracted from the cannabis plant, which is often
associated with the production of marijuana. It is a nom psychoactive
derivative that has health benefits when applied following proper guidelines.
There is another chemical present in CBD products, known as THC, which causes a
mind-altering effect. It is found is very little amounts in many CBD products,
increasing their medicinal qualities. However, this chemical doesn’t produce
any psychoactive effect on animals and humans. Additionally, CBD is safe to be
used for animals because it’s non-toxic. Even if it is consumed in high
amounts, it won’t cause death. The most common side effects found in animals
after consuming CBD products are sedation or too much appetite. The CBD
products get digested quickly when consumed by cats and dogs, so there are low
chances of CBD overdoses. 

 CBD Oil vs. hemp oil
for dogs

There are two products that people get confused with. However,
these have considerable differences as to their origin and effects. 

Both oils come from hemp plants, but are produced by different
parts of the same plant. Hemp seed oil is extracted from the seeds of the
plant, whereas CBD oil is extracted from the leaves and stalk. Apart from this,
both differ in areas of their applications and components too. The former is
generally used as a nutritional supplement whereas the latter has more
cannabidiol, finding its application in treating health problems. 

This indicates that both are great for your dog, but the latter is
more effective. Not only with the CBD products help your pet with its digestion
and sleep, but it also will treat its anxiety and chronic pains. 

What is the usefulness of CBD
products in dogs?  

People have been using CBD oil and products for their pets for the
following health improving properties that it possesses and the fact that Cannabis oil kills cancer cells. A
few more are mentioned below:

  • Help reduce stress and anxiety
  • Treats seizures
  • Reduces excessive barking
  • Soothes inflammation
  • Facilitates recovery from wounds
  • Treats mood disorders
  • Reduces aggression towards other
  • Relives muscle pains and joint pains
  • Prevents cardiovascular disorders
  • Treats Cancer
  • Increases appetite

What tips should you remember
while buying CBD for your dog? 

There are several guidelines you must follow while buying CBD
products for your dog. Some of them have been mentioned below:

  • Firstly, buy products that are only
    developed for pets. 
  • Secondly, make sure the product you
    choose to buy is of high quality no matter what the price is. 
  • Thirdly, check if the product is
    entirely organic, devoid of any fertilizers and pesticides. 
  • Fourthly, buy CBD in the liquid form.
    You can give CBD treats to your pet, but the best way to administer the
    medicine is in the form of a tincture or oil. This will also help you in
    adjusting the dosage for your pet. 

CBD Dosage For Dogs

As has already been said, there are very few chances of CBD
overdoses in animals because it dissolves quickly and gets circulated in their
body. Consult a veteran regarding the dosages for your pet. Generally, they are
given 1 mg of CBD per 10 lbs of their body weight. 

What are the ways of CBD
intake for dogs? 

Generally, pets can have CBD products in two ways, dog treats or
oil tinctures.

You can add a few drops of CBD oil and mix it in his food. This
fetches his daily dose of medicine. 

The best way is, however, to give him CBD dog chews. These are
produced especially for pets, ensuring you that there isn’t any harmful
component in it. 

short, the CBD products can cure a lot of health problems in dogs, helping them
fight against arthritis, Cancer, and whatnot. Consuming CBD products won’t
cause any overdoses. Even if it occurs, it will cause non-lethal side effects.
Also, CBD oil helps dogs fight against cancer, as proved by expert studies.
Cancer cells in dogs don’t die out, but the CBD oil induces apoptosis in the
cells, thereby eliminating them, arresting their spread. Cancer can cause
discomfort om dogs, lowering their appetite and resulting in a lack of proper
sleep. As a result, they grow weak. Consuming CBD oil increases their appetite,
allowing them to eat and sleep more.