Top 6 CBD Oil Hemp Flower Brands Out Right Now

Since the interest in CBD oil brought this product firmly into popular culture the market has become quite crowded, which could make choosing a top quality CBD oil hemp flower brand quite tricky for novice buyers.

Here we look at our pick of the top five brand of CBD hemp oil around, basing these choices on product which are safe, effective, made from pure ingredients and good value for money.

#1- CBDistillery

This brand belongs to a group of Colorado residents who wanted to offer others access to well priced but high quality CBD hemp oil products, including oils. They stock CBD oils in several size options, with one of their best sellers being the 1000mg 30ml full spectrum CBD tincture, often on sale for around $60.

#2 – Charlotte’s Web CBD Oil

This oil from a well established and well-reviewed brand is a popular choice amongst customers looking for American sourced CBD hemp oil to promote calmness and wellbeing. It is also excellent as an aid to promote focus, encourage natural sleep, and help users deal with those mini annoyances which can build up and become problematic. Prices range from around $40 – $100 for varying sizes and strengths of this high-quality oil with around 10mg of hemp in each 1ml, and there are no fillers or nasty extras to deal with.

#3 Nuleaf Naturals

Being 100% organic, extracted with CO2, fully tested and approved by a lab, and promising mo additives are the facts that make NuLeaf’s CBD hemp oil worthy of a place in this top five. 17 fl oz (5ml) of this pure full spectrum hemp flower oil has 240mg of CBD, and this size is a consistently popular choice amongst this brand’s many fans. Of course, there are several other sizes available too, including the standard 500mg and 1000mg bottles, and the less usual 725mg and 1, 450mg sized servings – making it easy for those looking for a less usual strength of CBD oil.

#4 – CBDPure

With many decades of experience in this field, and many thousands of very satisfied customers this brand, definitely deserves to be in the top five. Their high-quality CBD oil is available in three strengths, all produced from organic hemp grown in Colorado to certified non-GMO standards, tested by an independent lab, and delivered with a 90-day money back guarantee.

#4 – Secret Nature CBD

Secret Nature CBD is a newer brand to the market that offers a wide range of CBD Oil products. You can view their CBD Flower products here. They have great branding along with a fantastic product line that will be sure to help you with pain and alleviate many chronic conditions. Check out their products using the link provided.

#5 – cbdMB

This brand offers a good range of oils in sizes from 300mg up to a huge 5000mg, and all are offered at below average market prices. Their products include CBD oil designed for people, but also some which can be used to treat pets too. The oil is extracted from hemp plants grown under strictly controlled conditions, to guarantee consistently excellent quality.

With so many products to choose from there’s no need to compromise on price or quality when you buy CBD hemp flower oil, so take a look at these five recommendations and buy with confidence.