Top Healthy Foods for Optimum Eye Health

Eating a well-balanced diet can hold the key to a healthier body. Eating the right foods can also help keep your eyes clear, bright, healthy and disease free. But with a bounty of nutritious foods out there, how do you know which one’s are essential for optimum eye health. The following guide will show you the best options to consume to prevent eye diseases and keep your sight sharp.

Leafy Greens

Food plays a key role in how your body runs. While you may avoid certain foods for stomach upset, you’ll find others can play a key role to better eye health. Leafy green veggies such as kale contain a large number of nutrients essential to excellent eye health. Zeaxanthin and lutein found in leafy greens aren’t processed in the body, so you need to consume them through foods such as kale. With a daily serving of 100 grams, you can prevent serious diseases such as cataracts and age-related illnesses. Red peppers and spinach are other key nutrients chalk full of lutein. Make a stir fry and add the veggies in with low-fat proteins such as chicken. You can also bake kale in the oven and serve as a healthy alternative snack to potato chips.


If you’re looking to retain optimum eye health as you age, eggs are home to numerous eye-boosting antioxidants. The yolks are especially important as they contain important nutrients such as zinc, lutein and zeaxanthin. When consumed regularly, you can lower your incidence of contracting serious eye ailments such as cataracts and macular degeneration. Zinc also boosts the health of the retina and assists people in seeing better at night. Known as a versatile food, you can fit eggs into your meal plan at breakfast, lunch and dinner. You can also serve it in a number of ways such as a salad topper when hardboiled, fried for breakfast with toast or scrambled with veggies at lunch.

Fatty fish

Fatty fish such as anchovies, salmon, tuna, trout and mackerel are DHA rich. If you’re not getting the required omega-3s, you may be more prone to eye diseases such as dry eye. The omega-3 fatty acids can also help reduce cataracts and other age related eye diseases. If you’re not a fan of fish, there are ways you can still get your omega-3s. Soybeans, tofu, mixed greens, flaxseeds, canola oil and walnuts are all excellent sources. Although the store shelves are lined with every supplement known to man, Omega-3 vitamins are less effective than the actual food source.


Carrots have always been synonymous with good eye sights. That’s because, similar to the yolks of eggs, carrots are also rich in beta carotene and vitamin A. These important nutrients aid the eye surface and prevent serious eye complications and infections of the eyes. Carrots are one of the easiest foods to pack as a snack. They can also be tossed with a leafy green salad or added to stews and soups. If you have a sweet tooth, add them to pancakes, cookies, cakes or muffins.


Nuts are a tasty and nutritious food known for lowering cholesterol and reducing inflammation. But if you’re looking for the best nut to boost eye health, you want to incorporate almonds into your daily diet. When consumed on a regular basis, almonds can help protect your eyes from diseases and infections. But because they can be high in calories, you want to adhere to a normal serving size of a ¼ cup.

Citrus Fruit

Oranges, grapefruits, lemons and limes are all essential citrus fruits critical to your eye health. The vitamin found in the food is best known for producing eyes with healthy blood vessels. The tangy fruits can also fight cataract development and age-related eye diseases. Strawberries, blueberries and raspberries are other nutritious fruits you can eat daily to boost your eye health. Whether you drink it as a juice, peel the fruit or place in a smoothie, you’ll find them an enjoyable way to maintain your health and wellness.

Corrective Procedures

Contact lenses and glasses are just a few ways to correct your vision. But LASIK eye surgery is a popular permanent and safe method of treatment to treat and correct vision issues such as farsightedness, nearsightedness and astigmatism. Using highly trained surgeons and support staff, the procedure is painless and easy. Most patients can even resume a normal routine and return to work the following day. If you’re looking to finally be free of contact lenses or glasses, corrective eye surgery offers you the ideal solution.

A well-balanced diet is great for those looking to lose weight. Consuming foods that fuel the body and protect it can also prevent diseases and ensure your eyes are at their best. The above suggestions offer a variety of foods that are both natural and unprocessed. They can also taste pleasing and mesh easily with your daily diet.