What are Invisalign Retainers? How to Keep Them Clean

Invisalign retainers are the most important aspect of your Invisalign cosmetic dentistry treatment. They hold your teeth in their shifting positions until they’re ready to move into place. 

While using your invisible aligners, you wear this custom-made retainer day and night to prevent any changes that might occur in your teeth after treatment ends. The primary purpose of your retainers is to keep your teeth straight. 

If you’re ready for this part of your journey, you must know how to properly use and take care of them so that they work correctly. It’s also helpful if you understand the fact that retaining accurately isn’t easy at first. However, with practice and commitment, you’ll do just fine. 

Invisalign retainers are an essential part of your Invisalign treatment, and your dentist will provide you with retainer care instructions that include how to insert, remove and clean your retainers properly. 

These custom-made aligners cover all or most of the tooth surface entirely and can only be removed by the patient. When you wear your aligners, they can’t be seen. They’re smooth on both the outside and inside of your mouth so that they won’t irritate your gums or cheeks while you are wearing them. 

Because there are different kinds of retainers, not all patients will need to use one. For example, patients with a removable Invisalign retainer usually only have to wear their retainer at night. 

To ensure you retain properly, your dentist will monitor your progress and evaluate how you shift your teeth throughout treatment. When patients first begin wearing their retainers consistently, it can take a few weeks of consistent effort before they’re able to get a feel for the way it fits and how to insert and remove it properly. Many people often have trouble getting their aligners in, but you will become an expert at maintaining that perfect Invisalign smile! 

How To Clean Your Retainers

There are several simple ways to keep your Invisalign retainers clean. The first thing you should do is wash the equipment with soap and water right after you remove it from your mouth. This will kill any germs as well as make sure that it does not become sticky. Some people also think about using toothpaste as a way to keep their retainers clean. However, this can cause the retainer to become discolored over time. 

You can also choose to boil your retainers in water for about five minutes daily. This can kill germs and reduce any risk of infection. Taking the retainers out of your mouth when you eat is another way to avoid food from sticking to it. However, it is important to note that this will only prevent the retainer from becoming dirty, but it will not ensure it stays clean all day long. 

Your dentist can also offer to clean your retainers using the ultraviolet light device they have in their office. You can place your retainer in this device and wait for the UL lights to make them germ-free. 

It is very important to take good care of your Invisalign retainers to prevent any dental problems.  It is also recommended that you visit the dentist every one or two months to make sure everything is working fine and nothing should fall out of place.