
What Are the Common Signs of Prescription Drug Abuse?

It often starts as a necessary and helpful action intended to help you feel better. The problem? Prescription drugs often work too well, which can lead to dependence and addiction.

Do you feel confident enough to recognize the signs of prescription drug abuse? Identifying these symptoms early could save your loved one’s life.

Read on to get informed.

Physical Signs and Symptoms

Almost all prescription drugs have physical side effects. After all, the pain relief or stimulation the drug provides is the purpose of taking them.

If you start misusing prescriptions, then negative side effects become more obvious. Here are some things to watch out for if your loved one is taking a prescription:

  • Increased levels of confusion
  • Poor concentration
  • Slurring words
  • Problems with memory
  • Insomnia
  • High blood pressure

It’s also important to observe how the person responds when they don’t have access to the drug. Do they appear to come down with flu-like symptoms? Are there changes in their sleeping patterns?

If so, then your loved one may be experiencing withdrawal. It’s advised that you speak with a doctor about easing off the prescription if you see these signs.

This holds true even if your loved one has a legitimate medical reason to be on the drug.

Social Withdrawal and Isolation

Have you noticed your loved one isolating themselves more often?

Withdrawing from social activities is a major red flag. It could be a sign that your loved one knows they’re struggling. They may want to isolate themselves to use more without consequence.

Many users also isolate themselves out of shame. They may feel out of control with their habits. They could also care more about getting their next fix than other obligations.

Concerning Personality Changes

The biggest tell that someone’s struggling with prescriptions is significant personality changes. Watch out for:

  • Increased anxiety
  • Unexplained agitation and anger
  • Unwarranted paranoia
  • Excessive mood swings
  • Making poor decisions
  • Switching doctors without a cause

You know your loved one best.

If you suspect something’s wrong, then attempt to communicate your feelings. All the above signs and symptoms could point to prescription drug abuse. But, you also don’t want to jump to conclusions.

Where Can I Turn for Help?

If you recognize the above signs and symptoms, then you need to accept there’s a problem.

Many believe the psychology of addiction has biological roots. After all, even animals display drug-seeking behaviors. So, rehabilitation is very complex. It’s something you shouldn’t try to tackle on your own.

Consider reaching out to a drug rehab facility if you need more support.

Recognizing the Signs of Prescription Drug Abuse in a Loved One

After reading this article, would you recognize the signs of prescription drug abuse? If you suspect drug misuse, then you need to confront your loved one. Don’t wait until the situation spirals out of control.

Our doctors and pharmacists prescribe drugs to help us manage our symptoms. When these drugs become a crutch, it’s time for action. Browse around our health sections for more tips on how to manage your health conditions.