The U.S. health system has a lot of things going for it. As we know, the quality of care is exceptional. The main downside is it isn’t always available to people, and this is what has constantly forced it down health tables on a global level.
Most frustratingly of all is the fact the main flaws of the U.S. health system could be solved remarkably quickly with some minor changes to legislation. So what are the main flaws of our health system?
Unnecessary Care
In a system that runs on profit and is in the hands of private companies, the final goal is profit and nothing more. Unsurprisingly, it’s led to a point where doctors are recommending care where it wouldn’t be necessary. At best, it can mean losing money to yet another operation, but at worst it can lead to permanent disability and death.
Early elective deliveries have been spotlighted as an example of this. They increased dramatically between the first decade of the 21st century and the early 1990s.
No Efficiency
As already mentioned, we don’t have a problem with quality. The number of medical errors is consistent with many other healthcare systems around the world with better reputations than ours.
The issue is to deliver quality care we have to go through so much inefficiency to get there. Paperwork is a major problem. All but the biggest hospitals have yet to implement digital medical records, so everything still has to be done by hand.
The Institute of Medicine Health claims $1 billion a year is being wasted.
Medicare and Medicaid
These two schemes pay hospitals for the services they deliver. These incentive schemes are part of the problem, and it goes back to the point about unnecessary care. Rather than offering incentives for providing more care, hospitals should be paid for the quality of care.
It’s why today there are 1.5 million more days in hospital spent by patients than required. Hospitals have no incentive to do anything about this, though. The fewer patients they have the more of a financial hit they take, and in a time of declining budgets this is unacceptable.
Cure the Symptoms not the Problem
Our doctors concentrate too much on curing the direct symptoms of illnesses and diseases. They don’t focus on solving the problem. Patients who have their symptoms treated often find themselves back in hospitals with a recurring problem. There’s a lack of education and a lack of knowledge about how to eliminate problems for good.
Cynics would point to the fact treating problems is bad business for doctors. In many ways, the way our health system works is contrary to the values it was originally built on. It’s working for profits not for the general health of the population.
Overall, the root of most of the health system’s problems lies within the incentive scheme. A change in attitude to improving care, as opposed to quantity of care, would create a better culture and a better return for the system’s users.
Author Bio –
Sandra Jane is the author of today’s informative guest post. She is a healthcare professional who shares her insights and expertise through her articles. She suggests her readers to visit DoctorSpring for help on any kind of medical ailments.