Ankle pain, foot painful point.

4 Common Causes Of Foot and Heel Pain

Foot and heel pain is common among people who are suffering from foot injuries and ankle disorders. This pain is usually felt at the foot’s undersurface called the plantar surface, but it can also be felt at the heel’s back surface. 

The pain is not as severe or physically disabling. However, it can be painful enough to forbid you from pursuing simple activities like standing, running, and walking. This article will explain the most common causes of foot and heel pain which you must pay attention to. Home remedies and medications are also discussed.

  1. Plantar Fasciitis

This condition is the most common cause of foot and heel pain. Plantar Fasciitis is usually caused by wearing footwear without proper support, obesity, and abnormal walking patterns. It can also be caused by flat feet wherein the plantar fascia is forced to overstretch since the foot is spread out and the arch is flattened to the floor. 

Most of the time, home therapies are effective for mild conditions. You can pad your heel for comfort and take anti-inflammatory medicines to ease the pain. You can also massage it with ice until the inflammation lessens. 

  1. Achilles Tendonitis

The strongest and largest tendon you have in your body is the Achilles tendon. This tendon connects your calf muscles to the heel bone. Because of this, you can perform activities like running, jumping, and walking. Once this tendon is overused and injured, this results in Achilles Tendonitis.  

Running and playing basketball can cause Achilles Tendonitis. Both activities require the tendon to push off and when overused, would result in painful inflammation. It’s vital that Achilles Tendonitis is treated as soon as possible so it wouldn’t develop into a more chronic condition called Achilles Tendinosis. The latter condition is more difficult to treat than the former one. 

Generally, the first symptom you’ll feel is stiffness that comes with pain and swelling when you’re walking or carrying weights. If left untreated for several weeks and months, it may lead to tendon rupture. 

  1. Sever’s Disease

Sever’s Disease, also known as Calcaneal Apophysitis, commonly occurs in children between ages six to 12. This condition happens when the heel bone’s growth plate becomes irritated due to wearing new shoes or doing excessive athletic activities. The growth plate is inflamed, which then causes pain.  

Rest, anti-inflammatory medicines, and applying ice on the affected area can help reduce the pain. Once the inflammation has loosened up, you may lightly stretch the calf muscle until they fully recover.

  1. Calcaneal Bursitis

Your foot’s bursa is a sac that connects several joints that enables your muscles and tendons to move together efficiently. When it is inflamed, it turns into a condition called Calcaneal Bursitis. People who usually suffer from this condition are those who spend most of their days standing. To treat this, you can take anti-inflammatory medicines and apply ice on the swelled area. You can also consult a Podiatrist for physical therapy, which can help alleviate this condition faster.

The Bottom Line

Like other parts of the body, you need to take care of your foot and heel because you need them to be in good condition to perform day-to-day activities. That’s why you must seek medical help immediately or apply one of the suggested home remedies to make sure that any painful condition doesn’t worsen and turn into something chronic.