Keeping a home tidy, minimalistic, and organized may seem overwhelming to most people. It is, however, a significant task that brings a sense of serenity, accomplishment, and happiness. Unknown to most people, keeping your home clean and decluttered is comes with clarity of the mind. If you are struggling to keep your home orderly and tidy, you should invest more towards the same. In this article, we will highlight some of the incredible ways a clean home can help enhance your health.
1- Destressing
A 2009 study shows that most women recording a high amount of cortisol were living in untidy homes. The hormone is an indicator of stress which necessitates the importance of clean and tidy homes. Cleaning out your home is, therefore, a significant and effective way of destressing. According to the same study, happier and more comfortable women were linked to well-organized and decluttered homes. A well-destressed body and mind results in a more robust and healthier body which explains why cleaning your home is essential for your wellbeing. Moreover, a tidy home motivates you to eat healthily, sleep better and stay active, which are the keys to enhancing your immunity.
2- Meditating
Cleaning your home to perfection requires a focused and lively mind. It is also common to practice meditation during the cleaning process. The latter is an excellent motivator for people who may not like cleaning as it motivates them to clean while doing something mindful; meditating. The dirty windows, plates, bathroom, kitchen, or living room may be your secret path to mindfulness. Sounds unbelievable, right? Most of these tasks require gentle concentration and a focused mind. You may find your mind shifting from your past life and challenges to your current and plans/ worries in the process. While home cleaning may not be your most favorite and pleasant part of the day, you may gradually begin enjoying it if you perceive it as an opportunity to train your mind.
3- Increased Productivity
Compromised productivity at work is a considerable challenge for most employees. Extended lower productivity may eventually strain your relationship with your employer and eventually result in stress and related complications. Unknown to most people, cleaning your home and keeping it tidy can enhance productivity at work. A Princeton study shows that such homes minimize stress and distractions due to dirt and clutter, creating a focused mind. In the end, they lead to more production as desired by the employer.
4- Enhanced Social Confidence
Hosting family and friends in a disorganized and untidy home may be embarrassing and result in anxiety. In the end, it may also compromise your social confidence, which may gradually extend outside the social circle. People who suffer from lower social confidence may end up stressed and suffer from other related complications. By keeping your home tidy, you build great social confidence and self-esteem, which enhances your health.
Cleaning out your home has a significant impact on your health including reducing the risk of allergies. It is worth using natural cleaning products that are safe for the household and good for the environment at the same time. In addition to the above, it also improves familial bonds and connections. There is no need to fight when the house is clean, organized and everyone can find their stuff effortlessly. With all the above health benefits plus the creativity and innovativeness that comes along, you should strive to keep a clean home at all times.