Most people experience one or more skin conditions at some point in their life, and although the symptoms may be worrying when they first appear, most of them are treatable. Whether the condition is chronic or goes away quickly, there are often things that can be done to reduce the appearance of the problem and treat the underlying cause. Many skin conditions are a symptom of a virus, a dietary problem or something else going on in the body that needs to be addressed, so be sure to see a doctor if you are worried about your health. Here we’ll look at some of the most common skin conditions and how you can treat them either at home or by contacting your doctor.
Skin Tags
Skin tags are one of the most common skin conditions, as the vast majority of people will have at least one in their lifetime. They are caused by a broad range of factors, including sweating, friction and hormonal changes, and rarely go away by themselves. There are many ways to treat skin tags at home, including using a specially designed removal device or a wart and mole vanish kit. Experts SkinTagsGone also suggest using tea tree oil, which can dry up small skin tags in between three and six weeks. If your skin tag is infected or irritated, it’s a good idea to seek advice from a doctor before attempting to treat it at home.
Rosacea is a rash that appears on the face, usually on the nose, chin or cheeks, and is most common in middle aged people. It is caused by a problem with the blood vessels in the face, which dilate too easily and cause flushing and rashes, particularly in fair skin. According to the British Skin Foundation, the effects of rosacea can be exacerbated by alcohol, excessive exercise, stress, sunlight and extreme temperatures, so avoiding some of these can help to reduce symptoms. Doctors can also prescribe creams and antibiotics, and in extreme cases laser therapy can be used.
One of the most common skin conditions is acne, experienced by the majority of young people and also by many adults. Acne is caused by a built up of oil in the pores of the skin, which may cause them to become infected. This often results from hormonal changes, which is why it is more common in teenagers. Acne can be treated using over-the-counter creams, as well as by regularly washing the face. There is some evidence that tea tree oil, diluted with water, may also help to fight infection and reduce swelling. According to the British Association of Dermatologists, the most effective acne treatments are creams and antibiotics prescribed by doctors, so be sure to make an appointment if over-the-counter treatments are not effective.
Eczema is a common skin complaint experienced by children, as well as adults, and often has a genetic component. People with eczema develop irritated, itchy patches of skin that may appear to be scaly or red, which cause a great deal of discomfort. Eczema can appear almost anywhere on the body, and may flare up due to stress, illness or contact with an irritant. Common treatments for eczema include emollient creams that are applied daily, steroid creams and moisturising soaps that do not include sulphates.
As the cousin of eczema, psoriasis is sometimes misdiagnosed, which delays the treatment process and can cause it to increase in severity. Psoriasis affects only 2% of the population and can be identified by red, scaly patches, known as plaques, that often become cracked and painful. Commonly found on the trunk, as well as on the knees, elbows and scalp, it is a chronic condition that often runs in families. It can be treated with steroid and emollient creams, as well as with specialist UV lights in dermatology clinics.
Verrucas are a common type of wart that develop of the soles of the feet, and are caused by the human papilloma virus. The virus causes the top layer of skin to grow and thicken, causing a wart to develop that can cause irritation and sometimes pain. The virus is spread through contact with infected skin cells, which usually occurs in swimming pools, changing rooms and shower cubicles. They can be treated at home using a wart removal kit, although they will go often go away on their own if left untreated. In some cases it may be necessary to visit a doctor, who can freeze them to remove them.