Getting Rid of Spider Vein Treatment

One of many people’s desires is to maintain flawless skin even while growing older. However, the development of the spider vein is one of the things that can occur as one crosses one’s 20s. While some people may not be overly bothered about the appearance of the spider veins, it can be worrisome when it occurs in visible parts of the leg.

“Aesthetic procedures have revolutionized the beauty industry and made it possible to achieve a nearly perfect skin,” says Dr. David Pinsinski of Artemis Vein & Aesthetic Center. If you are battling the discomfort that comes with spider veins, you can reach out to a qualified vein doctor to get rid of it to have more confidence in your skin’s beauty.

Causes of Spider Vein

Spider veins occurs when there is an abnormality in blood flow in the feeder’s veins. This malfunctioning is due to unhealthy valves. In situations where these valves are functioning as they should, the blood will flow upwards in the direction of the heart.

However, once the valve malfunctions, the flow of blood becomes backward. This backward blood flow makes some veins non-functional, resulting in their appearance beneath the skin surface. While the spider veins are commonly seen on the legs, they can also appear on the face and the hand.

Other causes of Spider vein include:

  • Aging
  • Damage to the skin through exposure to the sun
  • Previous venous injuries
  • Hormonal changes which may be triggered by pregnancy, stress, or medication
  • Prolonged sitting

Who is at Risk of Spider Veins?

Contrary to what many people think, spider veins are not restricted to women only as men can also develop them. Spider veins have also been discovered to be hereditary. Therefore, if your parents had it, there is a high tendency that you will also.

Once lifestyle has also been identified as having an impact on the severity of the appearance of the veins. A person whose job requires them to stand for extended periods is more at risk of having spider veins. Spider vein are also very common in pregnant women and becomes more visible depending on one’s age.

In some cases, the appearance of a spider veins can indicate the presence of underlying vein disease. However, spider veins are typically painless and minor in many instances.

Treatment Options for Spider Veins

The sight of spider veins can be discomforting to some people. If you have a spider vein condition and want to get rid of it, several treatment options are available to you. They include:

#1. Laser

Laser Treatment has proven to be an effective and non-invasive treatment option for spider veins. The physician will focus a laser beam on the veins. The laser beam triggers the formation of blood clots which takes care of the affected veins.

For individuals who may be concerned with spending time to heal, the laser option is quite convenient. The treatment does not require an incision or any form of injection.

The recovery time for these treatment options is faster, with many veins disappearing on the same day. On other occasions, more prominent veins will disappear within days.

#2. Sclerotherapy

Sclerotherapy is another proven way of treating spider veins, although it may be more expensive and cause a little discomfort. The procedure involves the injection of either sotradecol, hypertonic saline, or sclera into the veins. This injection will cause the veins to close up.

Once the veins close up, it becomes impossible for the body to pump blood through them. Without blood flowing through these veins, they will naturally shrink and disappear in weeks. In some cases, the first treatment may not lead to the achievement of desired results.

In that case, the patient may need to undergo the process two or three times as the case may be to get rid of all the veins. The injection of the soluble into the crib may cause some form of discomfort, and there may be minor bruises.

Before Going in for Treatment

Before treating spider veins, you may need to go in for a thorough examination. On some occasions, your vein doctor may request that you undergo an ultrasound better to understand the flow of blood around the affected region. During the ultrasound, your doctor can identify issues like abnormal blood flow.

After the examination, your physician will then be able to advise on the best treatment to use based on the peculiarity of your case. In some cases, the doctor can recommend more than one treatment option based on the situation’s severity.

Most treatments carried out for aesthetic purposes are not covered by insurance. However, if there is evidence that the spider veins obstruct the normal blood flow, thereby exposing you to danger, insurance can cover it.

Spider Veins After Care Treatment

What you do after treatment affects the result you get. It is not just enough to carry out the recommended treatment. Your doctor will also advise you to do some things after the procedure to enhance your results.

After the treatement, your physician may advise that you walk around from time to time to enhance blood flow through the veins. Additionally, extended sitting at a spot can lead to blood pooling in the veins and possible reappearance of the veins.

Propping of the legs intermittently during the day also helps to aid blood circulation. The use of compression socks has also been found to help release the pressure on the lower part of the legs.

Bottom Line

While most spider veins may not cause physical discomfort, they may not look attractive to the eyes. Everyone desires flawless skin, which is possible with cosmetic procedures.

If you are experiencing discomfort from the spider veins, you may need to consult with an experienced and certified phlebologist. Your doctor will advise on the best treatment option for your case based on their findings after a thorough examination.