I know from personal experience that whether it may be working my hardest to impress my new boss, or taking on additional hours to get that well needed promotion, it can be difficult to say no when it comes to getting more work. After all, with everything that’s going on with the pandemic, every dollar is appreciated. Unfortunately, in the early stages of my career I realized that with every new project I took on, there was another deadline. Before I knew it, I could barely keep my head above water. Whenever projects start to pile up and slip through the cracks, it’s time to address the problem. Here are some tips to consider when it comes to controlling an overwhelming workload.
1) Create Schedule
Successful lawyer Diego Ruiz Duran thinks that one of the best things that can be done to manage heavy workloads is to create a schedule. Therefore, establish a master schedule which will keep all final deadlines in the form of a calendar or planner. Seeing the totality of the amount of work that lies to be done, will help to prioritize things because as deadlines approaches, it will be clear to see them days, weeks and months in advance. I also realized that by breaking up small projects into smaller tasks, I was able to accomplish more a lot easier.
2) Remain Alert
Creating a master schedule is 1/4 of the battle. Most people aren’t used to the concept of checking calendars on a daily basis. In some cases a little push is needed to head in the right direction. As such, it would be wise to match deadlines with audio/video alerts that serve as a reminder of what’s due next.
3) Organize Workload
I know all too well that when I’m in the midst of completing several projects, my inbox tends to rapidly explode into an overbearing mess of useless information. Like everyone else, I was powerless to stop the flow of data from sliding through the spam filter, but by organizing and keeping things separate, it helped to alleviate the stresses that are associated with tackling several projects. Color-coding and adding folders help to make the process for finding critical information less burdensome. A prime example of this, would be to create a folder for each assignment that needs to be completed. By doing this, the process of scanning for files or conversation will run much more smoothly, as opposed to going through 20 emails to find the exact content that’s needed.
4) To-Do-ListOftentimes we lose valuable time throughout the day, spending it on our phones or by doing mundane tasks that don’t need our immediate attention. A friend of mine and business executive for over 20 years – Diego Ruiz Duran explained that the key to his success was his ability to construct and commit to a to-do-list. He explained that making a to-do-list can help to make everything more manageable and help to stay grounded. In addition to that, he explained that a to-do-list can help with remembering what needs to be done, because oftentimes we experience heavy workloads from a lack of focus.