How to Get The Best Drinking Water At Home

In order for your body to survive and function properly, it needs water. For this reason, we’ve all heard that drinking a certain amount of water per day will help your body and mind to work at the best of their ability. However, even if you have access to clean water, there are still ways to get even better drinking water at home, potentially making you more likely to drink more water throughout the day. To better understand what makes water good to drink and how to get better water, here are three tips for getting the best possible drinking water at your own home.

Know What’s in Your Water

The first thing you need to know about drinking water is what could potentially be in yours. According to the Global Healing Center, many areas have tap water that contains toxins such as arsenic, fluoride, and chlorine. While there are only certain amounts of these toxins that are allowed to be in water, just knowing that they could be in your water is enough to make some people unsure about consuming the tap water in their area. Because of the harmful effects that large amounts of these toxins can have on the human body, many areas are now prohibiting these toxins from being in drinking water altogether, already making the water you have access to at home safer and better for you to drink.

Filtering Your Water

Because of what could be in the water coming out of your taps at home, many people opt for additional filtering of their water before use or consumption. According to Diana Rodriguez of, there are two main types of water filter options: point-of-entry water filters and point-of-use water filters.

If you’re interested in using point-of-entry water filtration systems, you will be using options like water softeners and aerators. If you’re interested in using point-of-use water filtration, you’ll be using items such as distillers and filtered water pitchers. Both options will help to remove additional harmful toxins or chemicals from your water prior to consumption. Deciding on one of these two categories is more about your lifestyle and personal preferences rather than which one will work the best.

Drinking From the Right Containers

Once you feel confident that the water you have access to is satisfactory, you still need to store it in the right container in order for it to continue to be good to drink. With recent pushes for being eco-friendly, disposable water bottles aren’t so much a great idea anymore. Reusable bottles now have taken their place. However, it’s still important to understand the type of plastic used to make your reusable bottles.

According to Carlos Greene, a contributor to, humans and animals should only drink out of plastic containers that have reached either #2, #4, or #5 in their resin identification code, or RIC. These plastics are safe from BPA and other contaminants. Drinking from glass containers is also considered to be a safe option. Make sure you check your drinking containers to ensure they’re not putting any additional chemicals back into your water after you have already filtered it.

If you’re willing to take the proper precautions and steps for safety, almost anyone can have safe, clean drinking water straight out of the tap of their own home. Use the tips and advice mentioned above to get the best drinking water possible in the most convenient place possible.