As of 2016, over 10 million Americans receive social security disability benefits. For most of these people, the money they receive from this program is what keeps them afloat.
Many people are unable to work due to their disability, and social security provides them with the funds they need to live every year.
But while there are millions of people benefiting from social security, there’s still a lot of people who aren’t getting the benefits they deserve.
If you or someone you know qualifies for social security benefits, it’s time to take action and get the help you need. But applying for disability is more than filling out forms. You need to know what to include so you can ensure it’s successful.
Keep reading to learn some tips to keep in mind when applying for disability.
Determine When Your Disability Started to Affect Your Work
When filling out your application, you’ll need to think back to when your disability started to affect your work. When did you stop working due to the symptoms of your disability?
If you quit your job 6 months ago due to your disability, then you could put the day you quit as the day your disability prevented you from working.
Be Honest About Your Symptoms
Your application will ask about the symptoms of your disability, and more specifically, how they affect your ability to work.
It’s important to not sell yourself short. But also, make sure you don’t exaggerate, because they may see that as lying or falsifying information on your application.
Be as Detailed as Possible
When filling out your application, take your time. Be detailed about each symptom and how it is no longer possible to work like you used to because of your disability.
You can’t be too detailed on your application, but if you leave out details you may miss out on benefits.
Also, make sure you’re detailed when describing your job duties. The people looking at your application will want to have a clear idea of why your specific symptoms will prevent you from working your job.
You should also include how your disability prevents you from doing everyday activities such as going to the store, cooking and taking care of the house. If you can show that you can’t do these tasks, they will know that working full-time is not possible with your condition.
Provide Information on Your Treatments
It’s also important to include the treatments your undergoing, which doctors you’re seeing, and the medications you’re taking. If your medications give you additional side effects, be sure to include those on your application.
Talk about which medications are helpful and whether you’ve had any successful treatments. Again, be as detailed as you can so your application paints a clear and accurate picture of your situation.
If you follow these tips and they decline your application, you should consider hiring a disability lawyer like DarrasLaw to help you get disability benefits.
It’s Time to Apply for Disability
Having a disability makes life, and especially work, a lot harder. But luckily, there are programs in place to assist you financially. All you have to do is apply with the tips provided above!
Wondering what common health issues lead to disability claims? Check out our blog!