Plastic surgery in the United States is becoming a procedure as commonplace as getting your tooth filled or your nails done. The American Society of Plastic Surgeons notes that in 2017 alone, there were over 17.5 million elective procedures in the United States.
Plastic surgery can help to combat the signs of aging or even improve your health with weight reduction. But the assumed risks of plastic surgery may hold someone back from improving their quality of life. Discover the truths about the risks of plastic surgery right here, and find out how to see if this is the right choice for you.
Risks of Plastic Surgery Are Real
Anytime you undergo surgery, you assume a risk of possible complications. Discover the top debunked plastic surgery myths before you make your decision.
In plastic surgery, that can be anything from minor blood loss or infection, to death.
In the last five years, 33 Americans have died on the table during a routine Brazilian butt lift, touted as one of the most dangerous cosmetic procedures available.
Even so, thousands of women and men alike can get this procedure without any problems at all.
One risk of plastic surgery is that the patient may not receive their desired outcome. When you are going into change your appearance, there are very few guarantees that you will ever get exactly what you want.
But the health risks of plastic surgery are also something to consider.
Health Risks of Plastic Surgery
Scarring, nerve damage, infection, blood clots, blood loss, hematomas, and seromas are all common risks of plastic surgery. Many of these risks are also common risks to any kind of surgery.
A hematoma occurs when blood collects inside a blood vessel. It shows up as a bruise on the skin and there may be some swelling.
These often subside with recovery following plastic surgery. A seroma is similar in nature but is a collection of fluid just underneath the skin.
This kind of risk is most commonly associated with tummy tucks.
But death is the greatest risk with plastic surgery. Learn more about the different kinds of cosmetic procedures you can undergo without assuming many of those risks.
Major Risks of Plastic Surgery
Many of the risks of plastic surgery are minimal and will be resolved with time and healing. That includes bruising, swelling, or any minor problems.
But there are some risks of plastic surgery that can permanently alter your appearance, or even threaten your life. Some of these major risks could be life long and decrease your quality of life.
Scarring is quite common with plastic surgery and can impede your desire for the right outcome. But more seriously, nerve damage can occur.
In a surgery such as a facelift, if you experience nerve damage to the facial nerve, you may undergo a permanent droop to the face for example.
Infection after surgery can also lead to serious complications with time. A condition known as necrosis can also occur, which means tissue damage or death at the surgical site.
As well, anytime you undergo general anesthesia you assume risks that could include anything from brain death to complete paralysis.
Do Your Research
Anytime you are considering a procedure that is invasive to the body, even if it is minimally invasive, you run the risk of some form of complication. Prior to signing the dotted line for surgery, conduct thorough research.
You want to know everything from statistics of problems with this surgery and a complete check on the surgeon or clinic in question.
Before you book that consultation, consider these five pieces of plastic surgery advice and be proactive with your plastic surgery research today.