Happy boy smiling and showing his milk-tooth that has fallen out. Child lost milk tooth

Link Between Dental Health and Longevity

Dental health has been linking to longevity, so it’s important to maintain oral hygiene and visit a dentist regularly.

“Toothbrushing at night before bed, using dental floss every day, and visiting the dentist were significant risk factors for longevity. Never brushing at night increased risk 20–35% compared with brushing every day. Never flossing increased risk of 30% compared with flossing every day. Not seeing a dentist within the last 12 months increased risk 30–50% compared with seeing a dentist two or more times,” according to one study.

Stay Active by Safeguarding Your Dental Health

With proper dental hygiene, you contribute to your overall health. Imagine being 80 and still able to:

  • Walk without assistance
  • Live without chronic illness
  • See and hear the grandkids
  • Eat food with a set of full, natural teeth
  • Live life without pain

The way you take care of your mouth affects all these things. Taking care of dental hygiene determines:

Taking care of your mouth influences:

  • Toxicity levels throughout your body
  • Inflammation affecting the heart in the cardiovascular system
  • Vulnerability to dementia
  • The health of your baby

Foregoing good oral hygiene and care means you may have a poor quality of life as you age. It’s never too late to improve your habits, such as seeing a dentist for checkups and cleanings twice a year.

Start where you’re at. Take control of your oral health to prevent periodontal disease. You may live longer and be able to maintain your natural teeth well into old age.

Conditions Linked to Oral Health

Oral health is linked to the following diseases and conditions:

· Endocarditis. This is an infection that enters your bloodstream and attaches to the heart.

· Cardiovascular disease. This connection isn’t fully understood. Research seems to suggest that clogged arteries and stroke can be linked to infections caused by oral bacteria.

· Complications with pregnancy and birth.

· Pneumonia. Bacteria in your mouth can be pulled into your lungs which may cause pneumonia or other respiratory conditions

Optimize Your Oral Health

“Like other areas of the body, your mouth teems with bacteria — mostly harmless. But your mouth is the entry point to your digestive and respiratory tracts, and some of these bacteria can cause disease,” according to the Mayo Clinic.

The following habits health you maintain good oral hygiene.

  • Brush your teeth twice a day
  • Flossing every day
  • Don’t brush too hard
  • Scrape your tongue when you brush
  • Eat a low-inflammation diet
  • Seek treatment if you grind your teeth

The body’s defense and good oral care keep bacteria entering the body under control. However, poor dental health lead to infections, including gum disease and tooth decay that impact other parts of the body.