Sound Frequencies are the Key to an Optimized Brain

Remember that perfect moment when your mind and body came together to execute your best performance? Whether athlete, actress, debater or entrepreneur, you experienced your highest achievement. It’s a memory you will carry forever.

Researchers have discovered that your brain activity operates within a completely different state and speed during those personal best moments. Bursts of electrical activity is produced. The potential for more of those shining moments exists in the way your brain functions. Your brain can be trained to work at higher levels of creativity, of problem-solving, and of insight.

What are brainwaves?

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Your brain cells, or neurons, talk to one another all the time. This conversation appears as electrical activity in your brain and it forms wave-like patterns, called brainwaves. The speed of the waves determines which state you are in. High-frequency waves – gamma – occur during college classes, times of high memory recall or development of ideas; low-frequency waves – delta – are when you are unconscious in dreamless sleep.

In between are beta , alpha, and theta brainwaves: beta waves are produced throughout most of your day, they are crucial for good mental functioning. Insufficient beta waves can result in insomnia, depression, or a learning disability like Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD). Alpha waves are experienced just before you go to sleep and when you wake up. They are associated with relaxation, visualization, and creativity. Your brain produces theta brainwaves when you are dreaming, or extremely relaxed.

Patterns of sound and light activate brainwaves

Researchers have discovered that some light and sound patterns will synchronize your brainwaves so that they produce optimal functioning. The brain performs better on tests, reason better, solve problems at a higher rate, and heal its issues of depression, addiction or attention.

Revolutioner and brainwave entrainment

One new product to arise out of these findings is the Revolutioner. It uses audio tracks containing sound rhythms.  The brain’s response to the sound patterns are called brainwave entrainment.

Brainwave entrainment has been found to positively impact sleep, and to enable children with learning disabilities to improve the executive functioning which is initially lacking. Coaches are requiring elite players to use brainwave entrainment as preparation for overcoming mental obstacles. Business leaders are using it to enhance their judgment and management skills in leading their companies.

The Revolutioner enables ordinary, everyday people to perform at the same maximum levels as star athletes and top leaders. Each day you listen to a 12-minute soundtrack. During the 12 minutes, the embedded frequencies of the audio interact with your brain and form a balance between slow, medium and fast brainwaves.

From imbalance to synchronization

When the brainwaves are uneven, mental problems can occur such as anxiety and depression. If you overproduce beta waves you tend to be anxious, while someone who has a surplus of slow alpha/theta waves can have ADD. This imbalance can be changed with Revolutioner.

A rhythmic stimulus on the audio could be a drum beat, for example. The rhythm is duplicated in your brain. Your brain synchronizes with the drum beat. Ten beats per second will generate Alpha waves which are at 10Hz. The frequencies in the audio are embedded in the sounds; they are mostly hidden to the listener.

In 1656 Dutch scientist Christian Huygens discovered that two clocks arranged next to one another would slowly synchronize to one another, producing precise timing. In the same way, the brain synchronizes with the beats in the Revolutioner soundtracks.

For further reading, research studies published in scientific journals: