When it comes to general health and wellbeing, consumers are typically faced with a minefield of health information and opinion when it comes to the benefits or pitfalls of food and drink. The trend towards a faster pace of life has given rise to the fast-food phenomenon – processed food, snack food, and convenience food.
With the ability to import foods from across the globe, people are able to consume non-local and ‘out of season’ foods and beverages. We are spoiled for choice, changes in diet, and consumption coupled with more sedentary lifestyles has led to associated health conditions ranging from obesity to heart conditions.
Coffee as a social drink
For many people, the allure of coffee has become an intrinsic part of our daily life – whether it be the morning coffee break at the work desk, a welcome mug of coffee in front of the fire after putting the kids to bed, or a social cappuccino with friends at a sidewalk café on a lazy Sunday.
For many, it is a daily routine, often involving the consumption of several cups over the day. But just how healthy is coffee drinking?
If we are not coffee drinkers ourselves, it is very likely we have friends or family who are. The plus side is that there are potential health benefits, so enjoying that brew with friends should be guilt-free! Coupon codes for coffee lovers can be found at gifts for coffee lovers.
Metabolism booster
Drinking coffee regularly has been seen to aid with mental acuity, alertness, and general energy levels. Related reports suggest that coffee can assist in improving memory and general cognitive function.
Coffee and exercise
Because caffeine is a natural stimulant, reports further suggest that coffee consumption can assist in exercise regimes by boosting metabolism and burning fat. There is some speculation that caffeine may well have a role in weight loss and the treatment of obesity.
Studies have been done into other medical conditions, and some evidence exists to suggest that coffee may also lower the risk of the development of type 2 diabetes. Notwithstanding this, those seeking further advice with respect to particular medical conditions should always consult a GP or medical practitioner for personalized advice.
Is coffee safe for everybody?
It is an accepted fact that by virtue of our physiology, genetics, and metabolism, different people react to substances in different ways. In that sense, it is not possible to find a general rule as to the suitability of a particular diet or food choice. As a result, many people err on the side of maintaining a sensible balance with food and drink – moderation is the key here.
The same can be said for coffee. It is important to bear in mind that coffee acts as a stimulant, and people will react differently to it. Taken in large amounts, it may cause anxiety and overstimulation, leading to a sense of agitation.
For people with a greater sensitivity to caffeine, it can cause physical reactions, including dizziness and trembling. Sleeplessness can be a further result of excessive caffeine intake.
Because caffeine acts as a natural diuretic, it can result in dehydration if taken in excessive amounts. This can be a concern for certain individuals, including young children and pregnant or nursing mothers.
Here’s to coffee!
In moderation, there is no reason for coffee drinking to be seen as a guilty pleasure. There are several positive health benefits to be had, in addition to the social and personal benefits. Enjoy!