If you want to reduce the greatest act to the largest amount of savings, if you want the bottom line on a top-level priority, if you want to lower the cost of health insurance without compromising the quality of healthcare coverage—if you want to do some or all of these things, get CPR certified. Receive basic life support (BLS) training, so you can be eligible to spend less on insurance.
As this article by Mackenzie Thompson of National Health Care Provider Solutions (NHCPS) explains, the life-saving benefits of learning CPR extend to financial savings, too. Knowledge of how to perform this procedure, along with a certificate as proof of this fact, can do more to help someone in need—to resuscitate someone who is not breathing—than almost all other things combined.
The post offers plenty of evidence to substantiate this assertion, from links to credible news stories to excellent sources of commentary and analysis. For the reality is this: We have nothing to lose—and everything to gain—by taking a course in BLS or CPR.
Either skill is important, particularly when time is of the essence and there is no time to wait for a first responder to arrive at the scene of a possible tragedy.
Important, too, is the sense of empowerment CPR provides.
When you can do something so well, which is so vital to the well-being of a fellow human being, you are worthy of praise. When you have the means and the opportunity to save a person’s life, you deserve recognition. When you have the confidence to administer CPR, you have a right to enjoy the honors and privileges of a trained professional.
Read the post from NHCPS, and get CPR certified.
Share the post, so we can all be empowered to save a life.