The Promising Potential Of CBD Oil

Cannabinoid oil (CBD) is just one of the many cannabinoids produced by the cannabis plant. It is becoming very popular across the world due to its potential for helping the body fight against numerous illnesses and diseases.

CBD is not the same as THC, another recognized compound of the cannabis plant. THC is the cannabinoid responsible for giving people a ‘high’. This is the substance that people are searching for when they are looking to get high.

While CBD in medicine is still in the early stages, the signs are promising.

Here are a few potential benefits of CBD oil.


A study has been published showing that people who are suffering from withdrawals from smoking. It found that smokers using a CBD inhaler as part of their recovery program smoked 40% fewer cigarettes compared to those using a placebo product. It also found that those using the CBD inhaler were better at controlling their cravings for nicotine.

Furthermore, another study showed that people with a history of drug abuse could use CBD oil to relieve symptoms of anxiety, insomnia and even pain.

Neurological Disorders

A report has been published that suggests due to its antioxidative properties, CBD can be used as therapy for those suffering from neurological disorders.

In particular, there is potential for it to be used to help people with epilepsy. In 2017, a study published in The New England Journal of Medicine examined patients with a form of epilepsy that was known to be resistant to traditional medicine namely Dravet syndrome. The results showed that those using CBD has fewer seizures.

However it also found that using CBD could also increase the risk of sleepiness and liver enzymes, so there was still work to be done in this area.

In 2018, the FDA licensed a synthetic pharmaceutical form of CBD to use as part of therapy for treating Lennox Gastaux Syndrome, another rare form of epilepsy.


While THC has been shown to increase anxiety and paranoia, CBD has the opposite effect. A study published in Neurotherapeutics had this to say:

“Preclinical evidence conclusively demonstrates CBD’s efficacy in reducing anxiety behaviors relevant to multiple disorders, including generalized anxiety disorder (GAD), panic disorder (PD), post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), social anxiety disorder (SAD), and obsessive–compulsive disorder (OCD)… with a lack of anxiogenic (anxiety-producing) effects, minimal sedative effects, and an excellent safety profile.”


Today, there are some manufacturers using CBD for treating acne. A study has shown that due to its anti-inflammatory properties and the way it reacts with skin oil (sebum), it can be used as an effective therapeutic agent for treating breakouts.

Pain Relief

A study conducted by the National Institutes of Health is looking into how cannabinoids can help with pain relief. It is covering a range of conditions such as arthritis, muscle and chronic pain syndromes and injuries to the spine.

In 2018, a review of the study showed that there is enough evidence to suggest that with safe doses and short-term use, CBD can be used to treat these conditions and overall neuropathic pain.


This is one of the main benefits of using CBD oil. The National Cancer Institute has reviewed a number of studies into this area and while there have been mixed results, there is promising potential that it can be used for treating cancer.

Firstly, a study of nearly 65,000 men in the US found that cannabis did not increase the risk of developing the same cancers as tobacco users. Another study in 2015 showed that after adjusting the results for a few factors, there was a promising relationship between using cannabis and reducing the risk of developing bladder cancer.

While there also exists some research that connects cannabis and carcinogens chemicals, there is no conclusive direct link between the intake of marijuana and cancer. Furthermore, ingesting CBD does not leave the body at risk to the same carcinogens as marijuana.

In the present day, there are yet to be any large clinical trials that are testing if cannabinoids can be used as a definitive cancer treatment. All the studies that have been taken thus far are in small samples;

For example, research in 2016 showed exciting signs that using cannabinoids was successful in treating cancer. The authors of the study found that cancer cell growth was inhibited in both test tubes animal models after being subjected to cannabinoid treatment. However, the study also stated that certain dosages could actually suppress the subject’s immune system, leaving the cancer cells to grow unchecked.

More research is still needed to determine if there is a real role for CBD to play in the fight against cancer.

Side Effects Of CBD

While other drug receptors in the brain act differently to the cannabinoid receptors, the risk of side effects is lower but they still exist. It remains to be seen if there are any lethal doses of CBD since there is no connection with the central nervous system.

However, there are plenty of potential benefits of CBD oil, but it is just as important to be aware of the side effects.

CBD affects other organs as well as the brain so those that are sensitive to CBD may experience other symptoms, such as increased heart rate, lower blood pressure, redness in the eyes and decreased digestion.

There is not so much of a risk of becoming addicted to CBD but there is the possibility of developing a tolerance to it. There is also the possibility of developing withdrawals if a user stops taking CBD. Signs of withdrawals include becoming more irritable, restless sleep and insomnia or nausea.


There is plenty of promise for using CBD oil in medicine. With more research, do not be surprised to see more and more CBD medications available to treat both common and serious illnesses and diseases. While some current applications and treatments exist right now, it’s always advised to seek professional advice before taking CBD oil and other CBD-based products.
This article was contributed by JGBilling, a medical coding outsourcing company out of Chicago, IL