Top Tips for Good eye Health

Your eye sight can change gradually, and the process being too slow, you may not always notice unless there is some drastic consequence, or in the least, you are forced to wear spectacles. That being said, it is of extreme importance that you get your eyes regularly checked, and even at home, you take care of them.

However, what are the best practices that you need to follow in order to maintain those perfectly gorgeous eyes, and that 20/20 vision. We asked around and the guys at Visionary Eye Centre were quick to help us out in creating this guideline that we hope you start following as soon as possible:

  1. Wear a hat and sunglasses when you are outdoors. Ultraviolet light can cause damage to your eyes and, in the long term, lead to eye conditions such as cataracts. Thus, avoid going out especially on sunny days without at least your Sunglasses on. They are much more than a mere fashion statement.
  2. Wear eye protection at your workplace. Sixty per cent of all eye injuries occur at work. Jobs that involve handling hazardous chemicals or the use of machinery to cut, drill, grind, hammer, sand, spray or weld increase your chances of eye injuries. Therefore, if you are working in an industry with tons of small particles floating around the workspace, make sure that you are covering your eyes.
  3. Visit your eye care health professional regularly. Regular checks may help to detect problems at an early stage, which means you can potentially have treatment before any permanent damage occurs to your eyes. This is extremely important, especially if you live alone and have very little control over your diet or are unable to take care of yourself properly.
  4. Control your blood sugar, blood pressure and cholesterol levels. Keeping your blood glucose, blood pressure and cholesterol levels low helps to keep your eyes and the rest of your body healthy.
  5. Take regular breaks when working in front of your computer. Staring at the computer causes eyestrain and tired eyes and can cause long-term damage to your vision. Incorporate regular breaks and try some eye exercises to relax your eye muscles.
  6. Make sure you have proper lighting. Position your lights correctly when reading or working at the computer. Low light or bright lights can cause eyestrain. This is something that should be avoided, especially as this is a major cause in today’s world where much of the work is now in front of computers/laptops or where there is a lot of usage of smartphones.
  7. Avoid touching your eyes, especially when you have been using your hands for any kind of working and you haven’t washed them. This is because it makes your eyes vulnerable to infection. Anything that irritates your eyes can affect your vision. You must always clean your hands before touching your eyes. Also, do not rub your eyes vigorously. This may result in corneal abrasion (or scratched cornea). If something has gotten into your eyes, wash them with a sterile saline solution.
  8. Never forget to blink, which is something many people forget to do when they are busy with work. The moisture on the surface of the eyes, which keeps your eyes lubricated, evaporates, making your eyes dry. This causes dry eyes syndrome. So, don’t forget to blink often.
  9. Get a customized computer glass from an eye care professional. Wear it while working on the computer. Follow this especially if you wear glasses or contact lenses. Taking proper care of the lenses is crucial for eye health to avoid the risk of an eye infection.
  10. And lastly, be aware of your family’s eye history. This is important because some eye issues, such as age-related macular degeneration, glaucoma, retinal degeneration, and optic atrophy, are hereditary. Knowledge of your family history can help you take precautions.