We all want glowing, healthy skin, but it can be a challenge finding the right skin care routine and products. Countless moisturizers, medications, and creams claim to be a cure all for skin problems, but do you really know what you’re putting on your skin and inside your body? Often times these products end up being overpriced, overhyped, and filled with over processed and potentially harmful ingredients.
The human skin, just like any other organ, is made up of billions of living cells, and it probably isn’t a good idea to expose your skin to any unnecessary chemicals. Luckily, there are plenty of organic and all natural ways to take care of your skin, promote a healthy appearance, and treat common issues such as wrinkles and scars. Here are a few all natural tips for beautiful skin.
The many benefits of mint
While mint may initially make you think of a pack of gum or tic tacs, the mint plant has been known to work wonders for the skin. Mint leaves have strong antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties, and can simultaneously treat blemishes while hydrating your skin. Mint also contains salicylic acid and vitamin A, two ingredients proven to help treat and prevent acne. In fact, salicylic acid can also help diminish the appearance of acne scars.
Suffering from an itchy skin condition? The mint plant’s anti-inflammatory properties make it an effective option in soothing irritating skin conditions such as mosquito bites, poison ivy, or other insect bites.
Even if you’re just looking to keep your skin healthy or slow the aging process, mint can be a great option. Applying fresh mint juice or a mint leaf paste to your skin can help boost blood circulation and rejuvenate your pores, which will also help prevent blackheads.
Rose essential oil can help your skin glow
Pure rose oil is an organic oil made from rose petals that can be used for a number of purposes. It can act as an antiseptic, an antiviral, relieves depression, and is even said to act as an aphrodisiac, among many other uses. Besides all of these great benefits, pure rose oil could be the missing ingredient you’ve been searching for in your skin care regiment. Thanks to over 60 natural compounds, rose oil can calm your pores, reduce inflammation and redness, and help foster a healthy glow. Additionally, the antioxidants found inside rose oil are great for speeding up the healing processes for skin blemishes or scars.
Rose oil can also be used on your hair, as it has been shown to strengthen hair roots and improve hair quality and softness. Since rose oil is a very powerful and undiluted natural ingredient, it is recommended to just use a few drops per day and mix the rose oil with another skin cream or shampoo.
If it comes from a coconut, it will probably help
Coconut oil acts as an antiviral, antifungal, and antioxidant for our skin, on top of numerous other benefits such as the overall strengthening of skin cells and tissues. Coconut oil can be used for more practical purposes such as the removal of makeup or to prevent irritation, all while simultaneously moisturizing your skin. Besides coconut oil, just drinking coconut water can also help hydrate your skin.
Apple cider vinegar: the original all natural skin product
Apple cider vinegar has been used to heal and nurture skin for hundreds of years. Applying a wash cloth or cotton ball lightly soaked in diluted apple cider vinegar to your skin and letting it soak in for ten minutes will clean your pores, remove unnecessary oils, and even slow down the emergence of wrinkles. Another popular way to use apple cider vinegar is to leave a small amount overnight on blemishes, scars, or irritations.