What are the Benefits of Flaxseed?

Flaxseeds (also known as linum usitatissimum) are small oil seeds that originated in the Middle East. They have been used since ancient times but are gaining in popularity due to their high content of omega-3’s and other beneficial plant compounds.

The seeds are most commonly eaten ground. Once in this form, they can be added to cereals, smoothies, yogurt baked goods, and more.

If you are thinking of giving your diet a nutritional boost, flaxseeds are the way to go. This article will answer the question, “What are the benefits of flaxseeds?,” so you can determine how they can improve your health.

What are the Benefits of Flaxseeds?

Here are some of the benefits flaxseeds provide.

High in Fiber: Flaxseeds have a high fiber content. This means they are beneficial to digestion and gut bacteria. And because soluble fiber makes up a good portion of their fiber content, they also help regulate blood sugar and cholesterol levels.

Beneficial to the Immune System: Flaxseeds are high in the amino acids glutamate and arginine. These are both beneficial to the heart and the immune system.

High in Healthy Fat: Flaxseeds are rich in omega-6 and omega-3 fatty acids. They are also one of the richest dietary sources of ALA, an essential fatty acid that can’t be produced by the body. The high healthy fat content in the seeds makes them effective in reducing the risk of disease.

High in Lignans: Flaxseeds are one of the best dietary sources for lignans, which are nutrients that function as phytoestrogens or plant compounds. They are effective in reducing blood sugar, oxidative stress and inflammation. Therefore, they are beneficial in reducing the risk of heart disease, metabolic syndrome, and certain kinds of cancer.

Rich in Vitamins and Minerals: Flaxseeds are rich in several vitamins and minerals including the following:

·  Thiamine: Also known as the B1 vitamin, thiamine is essential for nerve and metabolic function.

·  Copper: Copper is an essential mineral that plays a major role in growth and development.

·  Molybdenum: This trace mineral activates enzymes that prevent toxins from building up in the body.

·  Magnesium: This mineral plays a key role in many of the body’s functions.

·  Phosphorus: Phosphorus is a mineral that contributes to bone health and tissue maintenance.

Adding Flaxseeds to Your Diet

If you are thinking of adding flaxseeds to your diet, you want to purchase them from a brand you can trust. That way you know you are getting a product that is as pure and potent as possible.

NOW Foods is a natural food and supplement brand that has established themselves as a reputable name in the health industry. Their Organic Flax Seed Meal is a terrific source of phytosterols, lignans, mucilage, and fiber. The seeds are cold pressed to provide a convenient way of obtaining essential nutrients.

The points in this article address the question, “What are the benefits of flaxseeds?” It’s clear to see that they are great for reducing the risk of disease and boosting health in general. How will you be adding them to your meals?