When Can You Eat After a Tooth Extraction

You may be very hungry if you’ve just had a tooth extracted. However, the socket where the oral surgeon removed your problem tooth will be tender and sore.

After an extraction, you can eat soft foods as soon as you feel comfortable. Be sure to follow the surgeon’s post-operative instructions in detail.

This article will explain how long you must wait to eat after tooth extraction. It will also share ideas for nutritious soft foods for the first few days after surgery and provide a guide to when you can add your favorite foods back to your diet.

What Is Involved in a Tooth Extraction?

Tooth extraction is usually a simple process. Many people fear it, but today’s advanced procedures are easier on the patient. Your oral surgeon can talk you through your concerns.

Depending on the site and whether it is an impacted tooth, you and your surgeon may choose between different sedation levels. Some people choose general anesthesia, while others are fine with a local anesthetic.

If gum tissue or bone does not cover the tooth, the oral surgeon can remove it with forceps. If it is an impacted tooth, the surgeon will make an incision in the gum and possibly the bone. The tooth may come out in pieces.

You may have self-dissolving stitches after your procedure, or the extraction site could be left to heal on its own.

Eating After Extraction

Eating after tooth extraction could be intimidating, but you will be hungry after fasting the night before. As soon as you feel comfortable, you can eat soft food.

Be sure to drink plenty of liquids to prevent dehydration, but do not use a straw for at least 72 hours.

Ideas for Nutritious Soft Food

Here are several ideas for soft foods that you can eat immediately after your extraction:

  • Yogurt
  • Pudding
  • Gelatin
  • Ice Cream
  • Applesauce
  • Smoothies

After the first day, you can add more options. Make sure that you eat them at a lukewarm temperature at most.

  • Mashed Potatoes
  • Mashed Sweet Potatoes
  • Pudding
  • Scrambled Eggs
  • Broth-Based Soup With No Large Chunks of Meat

Easing Back to Normal Eating

Gradually, you can add foods to your diet as your comfort level allows. Avoid acidic and spicy foods at first since these can irritate the sockets.

It’s a good idea to avoid crunchy, hard, or chewy foods for a week or more. Chips and crunchy food may become lodged in the sockets, causing pain.

You may find it hard to eat chewy cuts of meat for a few weeks after surgery. Look for alternate protein sources like ground beef and dairy products.

Eating After a Tooth Extraction

Eating after you have a tooth extracted can be intimidating. If you follow your surgeon’s instructions carefully, you can do so without causing unnecessary discomfort.

If you have a tooth that must be extracted or have any other oral surgery-related needs, contact Mid-Manhattan Oral Surgery for a consultation. They have a wide range of expterise ranging from wisdom teeth removal, dental implants, bone grafting, and more.