Why Is My Tooth Sore?

The enamel that covers your teeth is the hardest substance in the human body. It is there to protect your teeth. Yet, despite this and the advancement of tooth cleaning products, more than half of Australian children have tooth decay.

Having regular check-ups and dental cleaning is essential to maintaining the health of your teeth. This will help to ensure you have your teeth for your entire life and that you avoid any health related issues.

There are several reasons why your tooth might be sore:


The most obvious reason is that you have a hole in your tooth, known as a cavity. This will need to be filled to prevent your tooth from decaying further and becoming an issue.

Brushing Too Hard

Brushing your teeth is good for you. However, it is possible to brush your teeth too hard. If you do this then you are likely to damage your gums causing them to recede.

This will leave the roots of your teeth more exposed and is likely to increase their sensitivity. You’ll notice hot and cold drinks are especially painful.

Your dentist can actually add fillings to your teeth to replace the gum. In rare cases they will even complete a gum graft.

Gum Infection

It is estimated that as much as half the population has some form of gum infection, also known as periodontal disease.

Whether you have it or not you can get a gum infection. Just as any cut can be infected, so can your gums. You might see a pimple by your tooth or notice a bad taste in your mouth.

Gum infections can lead to an abscess, it’s best to get them dealt with quickly.

Sinus Infection

When you get a cold it causes an infection in your sinuses. This is what creates the blocked nose and other symptoms. A sinus infection can travel along the sinuses until it actually reaches the roots of your teeth!

This creates pressure under you tooth which will be painful, in the same way you usually experience tooth ache.

This issue doesn’t require dental attention but a visit to the doctor would be beneficial.


Many people grind their teeth while they sleep. Or you might be someone who clenches their teeth a lot. This increases the pressure and wear on your teeth. In fact, it can actually cause your tooth to fracture.

You may also discover that your teeth do not meet properly. Grinding will increase this issue and cause muscle pain below your teeth.


If you’ve recently had a filling done then you’ll probably notice a little sensitivity in that area for several weeks after the treatment has been completed.

However, if you experience any other type of pain round your filling you’ll need to return to your dentist. This can mean the filling needs adjusting to ensure your bite is even.

Cracked Tooth;

There are many ways in which you can crack your tooth. It can be caused by an injury or by simply biting down on something hard.  You’ll need dental attention as soon as possible to rectify this.