5 factors that influence the detection of marijuana

Use of marijuana is still highly controversial and, since the plant became legal in some states, its use is often being turned into abuse. However, it is also used as an alternative medicine for various diseases such as:

  • Cancer
  • Chronic pains 
  • Mental disorders. 
  • Seizure and epilepsy 

With such widespread use, there are many instances where one would get tested for cannabis:

  • Getting admitted to any hospital because it can alter other treatment’s effects
  • Before joining any rehabilitation center
  • During a job appointment 
  • When driving professionally

Since marijuana detection test is taken in many of these scenarios, it is highly essential to understand the efficacy, side effects and after effects of it. 

Metabolism in the human body

Cannabis is being consumed in the form of leaves, dried flowers or stems and it is usually used through smoking or vaporizing. Chemically, cannabis contains tetrahydrocannabinol; a psychoactive chemical affecting the nervous system and the psychology of a human being.

Its exact mechanism of action is not yet known but it is speculated that THC reacts with CB1 receptors inducing a relaxing feel to the user, thus releasing chronic pain, anxiety, mood disorders and many more while also benefiting cognitive behavior. 

How long do edibles stay in the system for a drug test?

There are many answers regarding how long do edibles stay in system – the one true answer is that it is highly dependent on a person’s weight, height, gender, age, and dosages.

Edible such as hash cookies, brownies or even cakes have longer effects, for at least 1-4 days. It varies based on testing methods like blood, urine, sweat, and saliva.

Factors that influence the detection of marijuana 

THC is highly lipophilic and gets metabolized in spleen, liver, and lungs. Thus, it gets excreted through urine and enters the blood when inhaled through lungs. That’s why it can be detected in blood’s red blood cells and even plasma even after just 1-5 minutes of use. 

Usually its bioavailability is less than 30%, however, it differs with the usage various forms and types. Oral ingestion causes delayed results while smoking offers rapid distribution. When consumed orally, it has more effective distribution to fat tissues and cells. For excretion, most of it gets excreted in feces, while only 20% from urine in the form of glucuronide conjugate. 

So the factors that influence marijuana detection are;

  1. The time of metabolism and dissolving in the bloodstream
  2. Difficult to detect marijuana on the roadside because there can be other reasons for unusual behavior.
  3. Drug interactions such as Rifampin 
  4. Individual’s history
  5. Old technology 

Effects after intake

The after effects can be serious to less frequent like a change in the mood, relaxation, cognitive changs and reduced anxiety. THC’s main physiological effects are changes in heart rate and blood pressure, blood chemistry and respiratory rate.