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5 Thing You Can Learn From A Genomic Fitness Test

Most people think of DNA testing as something that is only used for determining paternity or for researching family genealogy. However, there are a number of other ways to use DNA testing, including genomic fitness testing. Genomic fitness testing looks at all of the genes that make up your DNA and provides information on how they are related to physical activity, obesity, eating habits and more. By understanding the genes that influence your fitness level, you can take steps to improve your health and get closer to your fitness goals. Here are five things you can learn from a genomic fitness test:


One of the most important aspects of your health and fitness is your metabolism. This term refers to the process by which your body converts food into energy. A genomic fitness test will provide you with information on how your metabolism reacts to various types of food and exercise, meaning that you can adjust your diet and workout routine accordingly. These genomic tests outline things like age-related metabolism, fat-processing ability, and metabolic efficiency, giving you a deeper insight into how your body burns calories. You can use this information to help you lose weight, build muscle, and achieve the level of fitness that you desire.

Stamina and Endurance

Your stamina and endurance are also important aspects of your health. A genomic fitness test can help you understand how your body responds to extended periods of physical activity, such as a long run or a tough workout. It can also indicate how quickly you recover from these intense workouts and whether or not you are at risk for injury. With this information, you can work to improve your stamina and endurance, so that you can stay active for longer periods of time without tiring out or overexerting yourself.

Muscle Development

Muscle development is another important factor when it comes to getting fit and healthy. A genomic fitness test will provide you with information on your muscle composition, helping you to identify which muscle groups need more attention and what types of exercises will help to strengthen those muscles. For example, if your genomic test reveals that you have low levels of fast-twitch muscle fibers, which are often needed for explosive movements like sprinting, you may want to focus on exercises such as weightlifting or calisthenics, which are designed to increase the size and strength of these fibers.

Food Sensitivities

Another benefit of genomic fitness testing is that it can help you identify food sensitivities or allergies. If you have certain foods that you should avoid due to a sensitivity or allergy, a genomic fitness test can help you understand your body’s response to these foods. For example, if you have a food sensitivity to gluten, this information can help you make more informed decisions about the types of foods that you eat and what is likely to trigger your body’s negative reaction.

Nutrition Needs

Finally, genomic testing can give you an in-depth understanding of your nutritional needs based on your genetic profile. This can help you to make more informed decisions about the types and quantities of food that you eat, as well as any vitamins or supplements that may be beneficial for your health. For example, if your genetic testing reveals that you have higher than average levels of a certain nutrient, it can help you focus on getting this nutrient through diet or supplementation. Similarly, if your test results indicate that you are more susceptible to certain vitamins or minerals, it may be helpful to take a daily multivitamin or other supplement that can help fill in any nutritional gaps. Overall, a genomic fitness test can provide invaluable insights into how your body responds to various types of food and exercise, helping you become healthier and fitter in the long-term. With at home testing options, it is a simple way to improve your life.