Life tends to send stressful situations our way almost daily, so it’s no wonder why more Americans are stressed than ever before. With work stress, family drama, and other life irritations, it can be hard to find balance in your busy life, but it’s just as important as your other priorities.
In fact, prolonged stress can lead to several health concerns, including anxiety, depression, and heart disease. What’s interesting about stress is that it isn’t always easy to self-diagnose, and symptoms can be similar to other health concerns. Irritability, headaches, fatigue, problems sleeping, and changes in appetite and digestion are all symptoms of chronic stress.
Thankfully, there are many ways you can address your stress and learn how to better manage it in the future. In this article, we’ll discuss five ways you can prioritize self-care when you’re feeling stressed out.
1. Get some exercise
Exercise has many benefits to our physical and mental health. When you work out, mood-boosting chemicals in your brain are activated, giving you that jolt of energy and joy that you needed. What’s more, working out helps alleviate symptoms of stress, especially when you’re consistent about it. But let’s face it, finding a workout routine that you can maintain on a regular basis isn’t easy. That’s why it’s so important to find a method of exercise that you enjoy doing! Here are a few creative workouts you can incorporate in your stress management efforts:
- Cardio Yoga
- Roller Blading
- Kayaking
- Surfing
- Skiing
- Biking
- Aerobic Yoga
2. Try natural medicine
If you want to deal with your stress in a natural way, you might consider giving cannabis a try. While strains with high THC can induce anxiety, compounds like CBD and CBG can promote relaxation without the psychoactive effects. In fact, this natural medicine has been so effective that it’s been compared to the prescription drug, Xanax. Xanax and CBD can both be helpful in managing stress, but unlike Xanax, CBD is not addictive. CBG isolate is a newer product that’s been used to help treat anxiety, since it’s becoming more accessible (and more affordable) than CBD.
3. Do something fun
Oftentimes the source of our stress is the thing we end up focusing on the most. Whether it’s work, school, or family stress, it’s hard to let go of these anxieties throughout the day. Focusing on these triggers can compound your stress and worsen your symptoms. One of the best ways to get a break from your stress is to do something to take your mind off of the things that you’re stressed about.
Here are some fun ideas:
- Go see a movie
- Spend time with friends
- Have a potluck
- Go on vacation
- Go to a comedy club
4. Do nothing at all
Finding something to take your mind off your day to day responsibilities can be a great remedy for stress symptoms, but sometimes you just need a moment to do nothing at all in order to recuperate. Make sure to prioritize “me time” when you’re feeling stressed out. Whether you take a day or just a couple of hours, relaxing without plans or to-do’s can be a great way for your body and mind to recharge.
Have trouble giving yourself time to relax? Here are a few mellow activities you can do while you enjoy some R&R:
- Read a book
- Take a bath
- Meditate
- Sit outside
5. Minimize stressors
It can be challenging for most people to pinpoint the things that are really stressing them out, because let’s be honest, lots of things in this world can bring up overwhelming feelings! But if you’re able to identify what is making you anxious, minimizing your exposure to these things can be a really effective way to reduce stress.
If political news is stressing you out, for example, consider turning off new notifications on your phone or “unfollow” negative news sites on your social media accounts. If spending time with your family over the holidays is giving you anxiety, try to minimize the time you’re spending with them or just be sure to give yourself space when you need to.
Not all of your stressors will be easy to distance yourself from, but making an effort to eliminate minor stressors can help improve your overall well-being.
Prioritizing self-care is important all of the time, but especially when you’re feeling overwhelmed. Use these five tips to help and you’ll be feeling better than ever in no time!