Congratulations mommy! After 9 months, you finally met your little angel. The joy of seeing and holding your baby for the first time is an unexplainable feeling. However,being a mom also means a lot of concerns and worries especially when it comes to newborn. Newborns are very delicate that they need extra care and attention. One of the most important things you have to look into and take care of is the skin of the baby.The baby’s skin is very sensitive. Therefore, all moms should pay attention to this to avoid rashes or allergies.
Here are skin care tips when it comes to your newborn.
Essential skin care tips for every newborn
Avoid frequent baths
Babies don’t get very dirty, unless they poop and pee. Hence, don’t give your baby a bath more than three times every week during the first year or you will remove the natural oils that protect your baby’s skin. This will make your baby’s skin more prone to allergens. If your child will be left with professional nannies especially in the first month, a sponge bath will do to clean your baby.
Avoid using baby products
The first few months of your baby is the time where the immune system is still being developed. As much as possible, strengthen the baby’s immune system first and protect your baby from irritating allergens at all times. There’s plenty of items, baby gear, and other additional baggage you have to start carrying around all the time.
Wash clothes and towels before using them
Again, babies have sensitive skin. Hence, it is important to wash the baby’s clothing first and everything that will come in contact with the skin to avoid rashes. Although a lot of people advocate the use of baby detergents, ordinary laundry detergent is fine as long as it is fragrance free and dye free. And don’t forget to wash it separately from the family’s laundry.
Don’t use too much sunscreen
Unlike adults, babies have more skin surface which makes it easier for them to receive chemicals. While Vitamin D from the sun is recommended, don’t expose your baby after 9:00 AM and use protective clothing.
Check the diaper at all times
This is the most important thing you should always look into. The poop or pee, combined with the materials used to prevent leakage, makes it perfect for allergy or rashes to develop and multiply. Therefore, make sure to check the diaper frequently.Change the diaper immediately when soiled and wash the diaper area with plain water or use clean cotton. Once the baby is clean, make sure that the diaper area is fully dry before putting on a new diaper. And don’t forget to apply petroleum jelly or any other ointment to treat or prevent further diaper rash .
Give your baby a gentle massage
Massage is one way to show your love and care to your baby. Therefore, take some time and give your baby the touch s/he needs. Plus, it’s one way of bonding with your baby and bring you even closer. When it comes to your baby’s skin care needs, less is more. The baby doesn’t need anything to make the skin soft and supple. As a parent, what you can do is to protect from existing dirt and allergens and pay close attention to their needs.