Career Options for New Psychologists

For many upcoming psychologists, they have an idea as to what they want to do before they graduate from their program, but this is not the case for everyone. Some people are unsure of which path will be best for them, or even what there options may be. There are plenty of options out there for new psychologists, and you should examine them all before making a decision on which way you want to go. To help you out, here is a brief overview of some of the paths you may take.


The first area you could enter is into research. For this career path, you will likely work at a college or university, and spend your time researching new topics in the field, rather than spending time one-on-one with clients. On top of your research responsibilities, most professionals who work at a school are required to teach a couple of classes as well. This means that you get to spend your time not only looking for ways to improve and expand the field, but also impart your knowledge on future generations.

Industrial Psychologists

Another path that you can take is by working for a large corporation. Many large companies are now hiring psychologists to help them manage their employees. Businesses do better when all of its employees are happy, and the employees will enjoy their jobs more. Much of this work is human-resource related, and the jobs are considered rather steady.

Clinical Psychologist

The most common path chosen is that of clinical psychologist. This can take on a variety of forms, such as meeting with patients personally, working at a college to help those students who are having issues with adjusting to their new lives, or working on public health concerns. For these jobs you will typically find yourself in an office setting, and have the chance to do some very rewarding work. Here are some great tips if you are interested in opening up for your own practice.

What To Consider

There is a lot that you need to think about before deciding on which path you want to pursue. You should first think about the type of work that you want to do – do you want to work directly with a patient, or would you prefer to focus on broader areas of study? Which type of position better suits your personality? Do you like talking to and helping people, or would you rather focus on scientific studies?

Next, you should think about where you want to work. Do you want your own office somewhere, or would you rather be working with a team of people? Lastly, you should think of the type of salary that you will be able to earn. Narrow down your options, then see what those professionals are making in your area. Decide if this is a level of income you are comfortable with, as some positions will pay more than others.

What Is Best For You

What is all comes down to is what position will be the best fit for you. Not everyone is going to excel at working individually with a client, while others will not have much success at conducting new research. Think about what your strengths are weaknesses are, and which professional area would be best for you. Remember that this decision is not set it stone, and you can always change your career path somewhere down the line.