Children’s Vitamins: Do They Work

Children’s Vitamins: Do They Work

Once upon a time, vitamins were developed for mainly adult consumption.  As more scientific research unearthed the discovery of superfoods and the importance of certain nutrients play a part of our body’s maintenance, a push to encourage children to supplement their daily diets.  Many of us recall the push for kids’ vitamins such as the ever-popular Flintstones variety. Thankfully, or perhaps not, the options available to children are abundant. The true question still remains, even with all of the choices available, are children’s vitamins even effective? 

The short answer is yes.  After decades of research and development, the vitamin and supplements business is a multibillion-dollar industry aimed at providing the general public with the products needed to enhance your overall health.  Most of us have a decent understanding of what vitamins are necessary for our general health such as C, B and D. But when it comes to our children’s health, knowing what they require for development can be tricky.    

Choosing the Right Type

First and foremost, doing your due diligence and spending a few moments to research what you are feeding your kids is essential.  It is surprising to see the types of ingredients used in food products marketed towards children as “healthy” or “natural”. Many of us fall privy to the marketing ploy of these corporations because it’s quite frankly easier to take their word for it.  But if you just spent a few moments to properly read the labels, you’ll find that these products are actually devils in disguise. A quick look at the ingredients and you will be shocked to see that even products such as vitamins realistically resemble candy than nutritional supplements.  The first item stated in the ingredients list is what the product contains the most of. Be on the lookout for high fructose corn syrup, glucose, and cane sugar. Ideally, a good children’s vitamin will contain sweeteners of the natural variety derived from fruit versus processed sugar added in specifically for the purpose of flavoring.  

All of the testing and research conducted have led us to the knowledge that if we practice healthy eating habits, we ideally should receive all of our essential nutrients from the foods which we consume.  Vitamins are provided to us naturally through fruits, vegetables, nuts, dairy, beans, and other foods. However, many parents can attest that ensuring your kids keep to these healthy habits is no easy feat.  While we may be able to get one nutrient incorporated into their diets, it’s ensuring that all the necessary daily requirements are met that pose the most challenge. Between school and social interactions, it can be difficult to limit their access to junk food and sugary snacks.  Incorporating a daily multivitamin is the most effective way to ensure they are receiving all of the proper nutrients our kids need to nurture their growing minds and bodies.  

The argument remains between many medical professionals regarding the necessity of vitamins for kids.  The CDC (Center for Disease Control) believes that 93% of children do not eat the proper amount of vegetables.  As a result, many are not benefitting from the micronutrients fresh produce provides. Ensuring your child received the proper vitamins is going to be a balance in moderation of diet and the use of daily vitamins.  Speak with your pediatrician to gain a better understanding of which supplements are vital to your child’s needs. Research still remains to be critical in your decision process, the right types of products are out there using only the most natural ingredients available.  Taking just a few moments to properly read and confirm what ingredients are provided in these supplements will do a world of good for your child’s growth.