Developing a Proper Sleep Routine

Developing a Proper Sleep Routine

Getting enough sleep is essential to every aspect of your health. Proper sleep can help you lose weight, keep your immune system strong and more. To get the right amount of sleep, one needs a routine. Alexander Djerassi, an entrepreneur, says that routine is essential for productivity. He argues that a person is more likely to succeed if they’re doing the same thing over and over again. This article will provide a variety of tips for those wishing to develop their sleeping routines.

What Makes an Effective Sleep Routine?

While there is no one-size-fits-all routine, some key components are essential to creating an effective sleep routine.

1. Have a set time and wake time every day no matter the circumstances. If a person’s body can get used to doing something in the same way every day, it makes it easier for them to fall asleep and wake up at certain times.

2. Have a place to sleep with a good amount of lighting. A person can become sleepy at night, and having ample lighting will help them get their body used to sleeping in the dark, which is often much harder than expected.

3. Make sure the place is comfortable and where you’ll feel relaxed. If someone feels like they’re getting sick, they won’t be able to fall asleep as quickly as they would have if they were comfortable, calm and relaxed in their bed or bedding.

4. Have a comfortable bed and plenty of blankets, pillows and sheets. A change in any of these things can cause a person to feel much less relaxed, increasing the chances of them having trouble falling asleep or staying asleep throughout the night.

5. Get up at the same time every day. If a person’s body gets used to waking up at the same time every day, it’ll start developing habits that will make getting up easier. This can help keep a person from oversleeping, making them more tired the next day and putting them on a cycle that’s difficult to get out of.

6. Exercise regularly and in moderation. Exercise is crucial for a person’s physical health and mental well being. It can provide a person with a sense of clarity, increased energy, stronger muscles and bones and more.

Tips for Developing an Effective Sleep Routine

Here are some tips that Alexander Djerassi gives to help anyone wishing to create a better sleeping routine.

1. Make sure the lights are off when going to bed. Darkness in the bedroom and other areas of the house can help encourage sleep because it provides people with a sense of security that helps them relax.

2. Don’t work in bed. If a person has to study or work on something, they should do it elsewhere, like in the kitchen or another out of the way area of the home. If a person does this, it’ll encourage them to see their bedroom for one thing and one thing only – sleeping.

3. Avoid stimulating television programs and activities before bed. Watching television can help people fall asleep quickly, but watching stimulating shows can have the opposite effect, making a person even more awake than before they started watching the show.

4. Get up out of bed if you don’t feel like sleeping within 30 minutes of going to bed. It’s easier to fall asleep when a person has had a good amount of sleep the night before, but if they’re tired, people shouldn’t force it, or they’ll end up overtired and even less likely to fall asleep quickly.

5. If you have trouble sleeping, exercise at a moderate level for about 20 minutes. If a person has trouble sleeping, they should do something that’ll tire them out, but not so much that they can’t sleep.

6. Avoid napping right before bedtime. Napping right before bedtime can leave a person feeling groggy and more tired than before they went to sleep. People who nap during the day should do it when they first wake up in the morning to avoid feeling tired when it’s typically time to go to sleep at night.

Benefits of a proper sleep routine

A proper sleep routine can provide many benefits to a person. Here are some of the most significant benefits of good sleep habits.

1. A good night’s sleep helps a person feel more focused and alert during the day, thus managing their time, emotions and moods more effectively.

2. A better overall mood and increased productivity because people can deal with their tasks without feeling too tired to do so.

3. A better memory and increased ability to focus and concentrate.

4. A lower risk of complications from various types of illness, including heart disease, stroke and diabetes.

5. An easier time in school or work because a person can manage their stress levels better, which will make them more effective at handling their work without letting it get too much to handle.

6. A more robust immune system and less likely to get sick.

7. A healthier body and reduced risk of certain types of cancer.

8. A stronger, better functioning brain.

9. Enhanced self-confidence because a person is more likely to be happy after a good night’s rest, which will enhance their mood and help them deal with any struggles they face in life that might impact their sleep habits, along with other daily stresses.

10. A stronger connection to their parents, family and friends.

11. A stronger relationship with their romantic partner. Good sleep can help a person avoid awkward situations because they’re in a better mood, are more focused and have less anxiety than they usually would.


A good sleep routine provides a person with many benefits and can help them keep their bodies healthy and mentally alert during most of the day.