The last thing you want to do when you’re traveling for work is to get sick. Since you will likely have plenty of meetings and presentations, and other work things to do, you want to make sure that you are in tip-top shape.
If you are doing the group travel thing and having to hit the road with other people from work, you also risk spreading illness through your work and travel companions. Your business put a lot of planning and work into your group travel plans, from booking flights to scheduling your itinerary, you don’t want to mess things up for everyone because you got the flu or food poisoning.
Get Your Shots
Whether you are traveling across state, across country, or across the globe, you want to make sure that your vaccinations are up-to-date. Get into the doctor for a checkup. You could end up picking up something, especially if you are leaving the country.
You should also be sure to get your flu shot if you are traveling in flu season. Flu can be easy to get and easy to spread, and can make it very difficult to get your business done while you’re traveling.
Take Your Vitamins
If it’s cold and flu season when you need to travel for work it can pay (literally) to bulk up on your vitamin intake, especially when it comes to vitamin C. Studies have shown that vitamin C can shorten the duration of a cold.
Any time you are working around people that could be spreading cold germs or the flu virus you can benefit from using some over-the-counter vitamin aides, like Emergen C or Airborne. They can help give you a boost of vitamins that will in turn boost your immune system.
Beware Of Sick Co-Workers
If you notice your co-workers exhibiting any signs of a cold or the flu steer clear of them and advise them to get some vitamin C in them, as well as plenty of fluids and plenty of rest. Find a way to cover their spot at meetings and presentations as well, since you don’t want them getting the client sick either.
Watch What You Eat
If you’re in another country you want to be sure what you are eating and where you are eating it are safe and cleanly. Go by suggestions from the people you are meeting with, and follow any instructions about not drinking tap water. It’s always better to be safe than sorry.
If you have food allergies or intolerances it can be wise to take allergy meds and stomach pills with you as precautionary measures.
Wash Your Hands
One of the best, and easiest ways to avoid getting and spreading those cold germs and the flu virus is to wash your hands often. If you tend to cough and sneeze often have some tissue on you at all times. You may also want to carry some hand sanitizer with you for times you can’t wash your hands, or to clean your hands after touching doorknobs.