Word anxiety composed of anxious worried stressed faces of men and women

Generalized Anxiety Disorder: How To Manage It In Daily Life

Are you always thinking about things that may or may not happen?  It might not just be that tiny voice in your head that you can brush off temporarily.  Perhaps, you’re already experiencing anxiety. 

Feeling anxious can be a regular part of everyday life. But, some people may feel more anxious than others. If so, then you might already have generalized anxiety disorder.

Causes Of General Anxiety Disorder

By now, you might be thinking, “What is generalised anxiety disorder (GAD)?”  It is a relatively common psychological disorder that involves chronic nervousness, tension, and worrying. 

Don’t confuse GAD with a phobia, as the latter is a fear that connects to a specific object or situation. Conversely, GAD may present you with feelings of dread and uneasiness that overwhelm the senses. Although the anxiety felt from GAD is less than a full-blown panic attack, it can last for extended periods. 

The causes of GAD may include:

  • Childhood trauma
  • Family history of anxiety
  • Exposure to stressful situations for extended periods
  • Excessive caffeine or tobacco consumption

People may experience the effects of GAD with or without triggers. For example, seeing a knife might make you remember a recent attack from a mugger. Conversely, sitting on your desk while working might make you think about the safety of your children, even though they’re at home. 

If you think you have GAD, book a mental health consultation to help you manage and treat this psychological ailment before it gets worse. Remember, there’s no shame in seeking help if you have a mental concern. 

How To Manage General Anxiety Disorder?

GAD patients can manage this disorder anywhere and anytime. The following are some techniques to help you cope with this mental illness:

  • Form A Connection With Others

Support from other people is essential to help overcome the symptoms of GAD. Talking about your problems and worries can help you feel at ease. Conversely, if you keep your thoughts to yourself, the feelings associated with those ideas can induce additional stress. 

Talk to loved one, like your significant other, a relative, or a friend. Take note that the individual listening to your feelings and thoughts should allow you to talk uninterrupted. That person should keep an open mind and heart, and respond with an unbiased and non-judgmental opinion to protect your state of mind. 

Consequently, you may also seek the help of support groups. Follow and meet with like-minded people to find ideas on how they cope with GAD. 

  • Get Involved With The Community

Anxious feelings tend to come with ideas to pull away or disconnect from other people. But, it should be the other way around; find ways to get along with other people. In turn, you can improve a social life with trustworthy people, as well as enhance your overall quality of life. 

Joining support groups is an excellent way to get involved with the community. Otherwise, you may also consider joining charitable institutions. 

Helping other people in need will greet you with genuine smiles and, perhaps, even warm hugs. These actions provide warm and fuzzy feelings that can grow within every fiber of your being. 

Participating in charitable acts can aid in fostering a sense of belongingness. Look for charity organizations in your area, and you may find new meaning to living life at its fullest, and with minimal anxiety. 

  • Counter The “What Ifs”

GAD can overload the mind with “what ifs”. Some examples include:

  • What if the house burns down?
  • What if the children go out of the house and head to the street and towards incoming traffic?
  • What if a thief tries to steal stuff while traveling home?
  • What if the computer fails to save the report?

Although these questions may enter your mind, you must concentrate and combat these inquiries. Overthinking can make you lose focus, and losing concentration can inhibit you from functioning normally. 

Take deep breaths and think to yourself if these thoughts can really happen. For example, if your house burns down, what might cause this tragedy?  Is there someone in your property right now?  Is there a gas leak in your place of dwelling? 

Counter the questions that cause you anxiety by asking yourself additional thought-provoking inquiries. After asking yourself multiple questions, you’ll find that you shouldn’t worry about what might or might not happen. 

  • Practice Yoga

Yoga is the art, science, and philosophy of finding inner peace. Hence, it should make sense that practicing yoga can help you manage anxiety-related symptoms

Several yoga poses require deep breathing so you can hold them correctly. For example, a simple pose like the lotus position requires you to be mindful of your surroundings by closing your eyes and crossing your legs. Feel the energies in the area while concentrating on yourself. Take deep breaths and relax as you release your worries with each exhale. 

Another pose is the Vrikshasana or the tree pose, which requires you to stand on one leg while raising your arms to the heavens. Yoga beginners can do this pose, but it requires focus and mental clarity to be able to hold the position. 

Take note that you can practice yoga in different places, such as your home, the park, or the office. Find a happy place in your mind, and you can rid yourself of those anxious feelings. 

General Anxiety Disorder Treatments

Aside from the methods of coping with GAD mentioned above, there are other ways to treat this psychological disorder. Some examples are:

  • Prescription drugs
  • Cognitive-behavioral therapy
  • Several sessions with a psychiatrist or psychologist

GAD treatments might be a combination of different techniques. A psychologist may recommend a combination of deep breathing exercises, meditation, and prescription medication to help remove the mental ailment. 

Also, bear in mind that there are some risks involved in consuming GAD medicines. Dependency on these medications might occur, so it’s crucial only to consume these products under the supervision of another individual.


GAD symptoms can paralyze the body from functioning normally. Fight this psychological complication by communicating with others, practicing yoga, or asking yourself thought-provoking questions. Also, consider visiting a psychiatrist or psychologist for professional help. The expert may provide extra assistance to improve and treat this mental issue.