How Drinking Coffee Can Help With Dementia

Coffee is a common short term stimulant, but studies suggest that it may also have long-term brain health benefits. The plant grows in various parts of the world, but African coffee is the common type you will find in the market. Some of the health benefits related to our brain and memory include delaying Alzheimer’s disease, improving memory in old age and boosting brainpower. Though most of the studies have not yet revealed the exact relation between the stimulant and dementia, a study in Florida found that people who did not develop the disease had twice more caffeine in their blood than those who were struggling with the condition. Let’s see some of the health benefits of more caffeine.

Helps in Reducing the Risk of Memory Loss

This disease is not an individual condition but a term for all the conditions that lead to a decline in an individual’s memory, ability to solve problems and other thinking skills that can affect their ability to perform everyday activities. The primary cause of the condition is Alzheimer’s, and it mainly affects people over the age of 65. Alzheimer’s has no cure, but you can prevent it from occurring through natural means like exercising and eating healthy. Several studies have shown that caffeine use can reduce the risk of the condition, especially if individuals start drinking the stimulant regularly at an early age.

Can Prevent 2 Diabetes, Which Can Lead to Alzheimer’s

Type 2 diabetes is characterized with high blood sugar levels caused by the body’s reduced ability to secrete insulin. The condition affects millions of people worldwide from varying age brackets. Studies have shown that regular use of decaffeinated drinks can significantly reduce the risk of type 2 diabetes. According to the studies, people who drink more of the stimulant have a 23-30% lower risk, but people who drink a cup each day have a 6% reduced risk. This shows that higher amounts of caffeine are better in preventing type 2 diabetes.

Type 2 diabetes puts individuals at a higher risk of Alzheimer’s disease, given that 70% of people who suffer from the condition also develop Alzheimer’s disease. The relationship between the two conditions is so profound that some studies suggest that Alzheimer’s could be the last stages of type 2 diabetes.

The Relationship

As said earlier, Alzheimer’s is the major cause of memory issues, meaning they go hand-in -hand. Brain cells die as a result of malfunctions in the neurons, which is caused by protein tangles or plaques that block the neurons from passing signals. The loss of brain cells leads to a decline in cognitive skills and later to other symptoms like memory loss, problem-solving skills and finally, your physical abilities.

caffeine use helps to prevent the condition by reducing beta-amyloid levels in the brain. Beta-amyloid is a protein fragment that is associated with creating the plaque that blocks neurons, causing them to die. A study done on mice showed that certain levels of caffeine in the body helped to eliminate these proteins from the body. Reducing the Beta-amyloid can reduce Alzheimer’s by up to 50%, which also translates to prevention.

According to, another study showed that caffeine use also help people live better with dementia in old age as it helps in slowing mild cognitive impairments in older people. The mild cognitive impairment precedes full illness, and drinking three cups of per day can help slow the symptoms from worsening. According to the research, the caffeine slows the symptoms, hence delaying or preventing a memory illnesses diagnosis.

In that study, researchers suggested that the ingredient that inhibits the beta-amyloid is phenylindanes— a compound formed when coffee beans are roasted. Dark roasted coffee beans have a higher composition of phenylindanes compared to other coffee bean flavors.

Other Health Benefits

Apart from preventing Alzheimer’s, caffeine use has numerous other health benefits that are backed by research. Another advantage is that it can reduce the risk of early death. According to a study by Harvard Medical School, people who use caffeine more often have a 15% lower risk of early death. Other benefits include preventing heart disease, diabetes, uterine cancer, liver cancer and liver cirrhosis. The World Health Organization (WHO) has also exonerated coffee as a possible carcinogenic. So, if you haven’t yet found a reason to motivate you into more caffeine use, think of the health benefits. A cup of African coffee from the local stores is enough to give you all these benefits.