Links between Dental Health and Overall Health

Many people know that they need to brush their teeth two or three times daily, but they just don’t really realize how important this is. In fact, your oral health could have a major impact on the quality of your overall health. That’s right problems in your mouth could lead to problems in other areas of the body. Why? Well, your mouth is teeming with bacteria. Most of them are harmless, but if the bad ones are not kept in check they can quickly grow out of control and attack the body. Anything less than proper oral hygiene can lead to oral infections like tooth decay and gum disease, but it seems that it can lead to other conditions as well.


There is no denying that your heart is one of the most important organs in the body. It is the organ that is responsible for pumping blood to the other organs. You only get one heart and without it, you would simply cease to exist. This is why it is important to do everything that you can to ensure that it is always in peak operating condition. Well, brushing and flossing could help. Endocarditis is a type of infection that attacks the inner lining of the heart. This condition usually presents itself when bacteria or germs from parts of the body enter into the bloodstream and attach to the heart. Such bacteria and germs can come from the mouth.

Cardiovascular Disease

When speaking with Dr. Butany as Dentistry on Lakeshore she revealed that there is research that suggests that clogged arteries and stroke could be linked to the inflammation and infections. Such inflammation and infections can be due to the lack of oral hygiene.

The Link Between Oral Health And Diabetes

For a number of years now doctors have known that there is a link between type II diabetes and gum disease. Anyone that suffers from diabetes is going to have an increased risk of diabetes and this is because their bodies will be more vulnerable to the harmful bacteria that is lurking in the mouth. In 2008 this connection was further highlighted by researchers at Columbia University. However, it also appears that poor oral hygiene might also lead to diabetes. The research team found that people with higher levels of periodontal disease were at twice the risk of developing diabetes.

Gum Disease and Pregnancy

Any woman that is pregnant is going to be more exposed to disease and other medical conditions. This is because the body is extremely vulnerable during this time period due to fluctuating hormone levels. It can be easy to neglect your oral health when you are pregnant because you have so much on your mind, but this is something that you want to avoid at all costs. If you are pregnant and develop gum disease or inflammation it is going to trigger an increase in prostaglandin, which is a chemical compound. This very compound has been medically and scientifically linked to early labor. There is also proof that poor oral health could lead to low birth weight.