Meal Replacement Shakes Solve These 4 Weight Loss Problems

Losing weight is not an easy battle. At times, it can seem like everything is working against you and your goals. With a busy life, cravings and temptations, and feeling like there is no time to prep healthy food or get in a workout, your weight loss goals and health can suffer.

But guess what? As a personal trainer for over 10 years, I’ve been able to work with thousands of clients and show them an incredible solution to help accelerate their weight loss results: meal replacement shakes.

Meal replacement shake are a great way to consume a healthy, nutritious meal and solve so many of the biggest weight loss roadblocks.

Here are the 4 main weight loss problems that meal replacement shakes solve.

#1 – Over Eating

In order to lose weight, you need to be in a caloric deficit, meaning you need to consume fewer calories than you are burning in a day.

Using a meal replacement shake controls the calories for the meal. Instead of eating a massive lunch, you can have a serving of a meal replacement shake and you know exactly how many calories you consumed. Taking in fewer calories during your meals will help you lose weight!

#2 – Feeling Hungry All the Time

A huge roadblock to losing weight is feeling hungry–all the time. When you’re hungry, you eat, and if you don’t eat you end up a hangry monster. You end up snacking constantly, overeating at meals, or just eating junk to satisfy your hunger.

In addition to tasting absolutely delicious, a meal replacement shake should keep you full for a long time. I recommend using a shake that has an added appetite suppressant like IdealShake, which uses an appetite suppressant blend to help keep you full for up to three hours. Your cravings won’t have much control over you when you’re feeling full!

#3 – Being too Busy

There are tons of reasons you could be too busy to eat properly. Busy work schedules, driving kids around, and dealing with other responsibilities can really take time away from grocery shopping or meal prepping. You need a quick alternative!

If your meal replacement shake has an appetite suppressant and good levels of protein, carbs, and fiber, you are set to replace an ENTIRE meal with the shake! This makes life so much easier when you’re running out the door to work, rushing to pick up the kids from school, or trying to tackle all your errands for the day!

#4 – Craving Sweets

Sugary temptations can seriously wreck your weight loss results. Popular sweets are packed with calories and sugar, and these don’t help out with weight loss goals.

That doesn’t mean you have to write off sweets for good! It’s all about moderation, and finding healthier alternatives when you’re able to. Meal replacement shakes can help satisfy sweet tooth cravings while providing the additional weight loss benefits you need. Pick a shake that tastes great to you and weight loss will be a treat!

About the Author

Kami Price is the Head Trainer at IdealShape. She has over 10 years of experience as a personal trainer and nutritionist. She is passionate about yoga, peanut butter, and helping others transform and improve their lives.