Natural remedies for sick dogs

Dogs need the same amount of love and care as other human beings, perhaps only more. Looking after your dog and caring for them both physically and emotionally can be good not just for them but also for you. The sight of an ailing dog is not just painful but simply inhumane. You can do a couple of things to ensure that they live heartily and healthily.

A little vigilance on your side could save your dog. You need to watch out for symptoms of various major and minor diseases including the symptoms of cancer in dogs, the conditions of suck a disease, how to prevent the disease from spreading further, and how to eradicate it completely.

The home therapy

The first remedy for an ailing dog is to keep it at home. Everyone is less stressed out in their own comfortable, private space. Everyone is relaxed and breathes easily including your dog. The recovery process as a result becomes easier and faster. The owner can cater to the dog’s needs and dogs can be very needy. Also, the environment has to be toxic free, which means a lot of cleaning is necessary. If the disease is fatal and life threatening then that leaves you no choice but to leave him in a hospital. Even then, ensure the hospital is clean and tidy. And assure your dog that he is not alone.

You are what you eat

Consulting the vet about his dietary requirements may seem like a good idea. If your dog is not ready to consume food then don’t pressurize him. Not eating can help eradicate the toxic materials and improve metabolism. But provide him with enough water to prevent dehydration. If you think your dog is becoming considerably weak, try feeding him something delicious and with a strong fragrance that will caress his appetite. A little garlic can be very appetite stimulating.

Give him regular baths. It’s essential that your dog is clean and tidy. unclean pets become breeding grounds for carcinogens and other harmful substances.  Clean the house frequently . chamomile tea is effective for easing skin irritations.

Take the green turn

Cancer in dogs can be prevented if you detox your dog, and utilize herbs and acupuncture. Herbal and natural chemotherapy agents like neoplasene and essiac are useful to treat cancer. Cannabinoid products are being made available especially for pets because of their healing properties.  Dr. Ian Billinghurst says “apart from eliminating all carcinogens from a dog’s life, the most important thing we can all do is feed our dogs a genome appropriate diet. This is the single most important thing any dog parent can do to ensure maximum possible freedom from this terrible scourge.”

Natural remedies may be slow paced but are far more effective than the artificial ones. They harm the biological system more than anything else. The best way to prevent fatal diseases like cancer is to ensure they don’t get it in the first place. The costs of treating cancer are sky high. But we know how much you love your dogs and sometimes you have to show them that you care and always try to heal them as fast as possible especially when you see symptoms of cancer in dogs and other fatal diseases.