Subtle Signs You Could be Struggling with Anxiety

When you think of anxiety, chances are you think of the more obvious disorders like Post Traumatic Stress PTSD, or Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder OCD. You picture symptoms like panic attacks, excessive sweating, a compulsive need to repeat certain actions, and other obvious signs. Though these are common anxiety disorders and symptoms someone suffering from PTSD or OCD would encounter, there are other types of anxiety disorder and some of the symptoms aren’t as easy to point out. What may seem like normal behavior or activity, could actually be a sign of something more. Here are some subtle signs that you or someone you know could be suffering from anxiety.

You Must Follow a Routine to a Tee

There’s a thin line between being organized and punctual and being obsessive. Those who struggle with anxiety disorders, often have a need to follow their routines exactly. They become anxious if they’re 5 minutes late to work, can’t have their morning cup of coffee, or they can’t hit the gym at their regular time.

Your Friendships Don’t Last Long

Individuals who suffer from social anxieties, in particular, have a fear of being judged by others. As a result, they tend to keep people at arm’s length. If a particular person or group of individuals makes the anxiety sufferer feel misunderstood or insecure, they often choose to stop hanging in those social circles and switch friends frequently.

You Feel The Need to be Perfect

Everyone wants to do their best, but if you’re a perfectionist, you could be struggling with anxiety. In an effort to mask the chaos going on internally, they develop strategies externally to help them appear perfect in every way.

You’d Rather Be Home

Social anxieties, in particular, are caused by lack of self-esteem or confidence. The idea of being around too many people makes you anxious because it’s mentally overwhelming. As a result, you prefer to be home in isolation away from others.

You Have a Plan for Every Plan

Being efficient, organized, and detailed are all great. However, if you’re suffering from anxiety, you may very well be an over planner. This means you have a plan, a backup plan, and a plan for that backup plan. Not having a detailed account of what you need to do makes you uneasy and can even cause panic attacks.

What Can You Do?

Do you see yourself or someone you know in the above list of subtle signs of anxiety? Do you want to see a specialist but find it hard on how to tell your doctor you have anxiety fearing that you might be judged? Perhaps what you thought was normal behavior is actually a cry for help. Whether you’re freaked out and worried about your health, love life, finances, career, or family, you can get better, and it doesn’t always require you to take medication. Here are some alternative measures that others are using to beat anxiety:

  • CBD Products – CBD is the trending new all-natural method for treating anxiety. It is a chemical compound derived from the marijuana or hemp plant. The cannabinoid interacts with receptors in the brain helping to improve mood. You can find CBD oil products online including CBD gummies which can be taken daily to relieve anxiety.

  • Chamomile – herbal supplements have been around for centuries and help to treat a plethora of physical and mental conditions. Chamomile is great as a tea and has natural compounds that help to improve your mood.

  • Valerian – If your anxiety is keeping you awake at night, this only adds to your health problems. You can resolve the issue by taking valerian supplements. This herbal substance acts as a sedative helping to calm your mind so you can sleep peacefully through the night.

  • Meditation – When suffering from a panic attack, you might notice that your breath gets shorter and your heart rate increases rapidly. You can bring your emotions back in balance with meditation. Focusing on deep breaths helps to slow your heart rate and open up the lungs, while mindfulness practices teach you to focus on the here and now instead of on whatever has got you anxious.

  • Watch Your Thinking – Anxiety tends to build when your mind goes to the worst case scenario. Though it’s always a good idea to be prepared for the worst, honing in on or believing that the worst is going to happen without a doubt, only hurts your mental health. As you start to think negatively, take a few minutes, take a few deep breaths, and really consider the likelihood of something like that actually happening to you. For example, if you missed the gym for a week, are you really going to become obese and end up with a disease? Chances are, you probably won’t. Talking yourself off the ledge can take time, but helps to ease your anxiety.

Anxiety, like stress, is your body’s natural response when it feels under attack. Though it is normal to be anxious on some level if you’re anxious all the time it leads to a weakened quality of life. That’s why it is important to pay attention to the signs (no matter how subtle they are) and immediately find safe and legal ways to deal with them. If you try these alternative solutions to no avail, it is always best to consult with your doctor for further advice.