Apart from preserving that pretty smile on your face, there are reasons why you should keep your teeth healthy. Enjoying healthy food calls for healthy gums and teeth while also avoiding the discomfort brought about by toothaches. Tooth and gum infections are also found to lead to other health problems along the way, such as an increased risk of heart disease.
Although regular checkups with a dental professional is one way to take good care of your oral health, there are things you can do to promote healthy teeth for the rest of your life. Aside from the tips below, you can also visit websites like desertcreekdental.com to know more about dental care.
Start early. Encourage your kids to take care of their teeth early. As soon as the first set of teeth appears in a child, proper care should be exercised. Babies’ teeth can be brushed using a very soft brush or a clean, damp cloth. Kids aged 2 should be encouraged to brush their teeth with the supervision of a parent.
Eat healthy. A healthy diet is a balanced one, which provides the proper nutrients that should keep all of your body parts running smoothly. There are foods that can help promote healthy gums and teeth. These include foods that are rich in calcium, omega-3, vitamin D, which can help reduce your risk of periodontal disease.
Exercise regularly. Regular exercise is a great way to maintain a healthy weight while also reducing your risk of periodontal and heart diseases as it helps in the proper circulation of blood all over the body, which will ensure that all organs of the body perform at their optimum level.
Avoid stress. Stress has been linked to various health problems, including periodontal diseases. When the body experiences stress, it releases cortisol, which has been linked to the destruction of bones and gums. When a person is stressed, they are also more likely to disregard oral hygiene.
Quit smoking. Smoking will not only cause you cardiovascular and respiratory diseases, but it also increases the chances of you developing oral issues. If you are suffering from oral problems, smoking can aggravate or prevent the success of treatments that you’ll be given.
Periodic checkup. Having regular checkups with a dental professional can help detect signs of oral health issues early, as well as perform the needed treatments. Also, having an overall checkup with a general physician can identify early signs of diabetes, arthritis, or heart diseases, which are linked to gum diseases. Remember the following.
- Ninety percent of oral cancer cases can be treated if detected early on. If not, the cancer can spread to other body parts and treatment can be more difficult.
- Gum disease is the most common cause for tooth loss in older people. It can be treated if detected early.
- People on several medications may be at risk of xerostomia or dry mouth, which can cause gum problems, and increase the risk of tooth decay. Inform your professional about it to address it immediately.
Use enough fluoride. Although fluoride is known for strengthening the enamel on your teeth, it can also cause unsightly white spots in teeth when used in excess. Use only a pea-sized amount of fluoride toothpaste for kids. Also, if the water in your area is fluoridated, you might want to control the amount of toothpaste you use.
Floss and brush. Tooth decay and gum disease can be prevented by daily dental care. Floss daily and brush your teeth twice a day to avoid cavities. You might also want to change your toothbrush every 3 to 4 months. If you have braces, you may need to use special oral hygiene tools.
Chew gum or rinse. Aside from daily flossing and brushing, dentists recommend using an antibacterial rinse to prevent gum problems and tooth decay. Another way to protect your gums and teeth is to chew sugar-free gum, which increases saliva flow that naturally neutralizes acid and washes off bacteria.
Avoid foods with high sugar content. Bacteria inside the mouth will break down sugars. During this process, acid is produced, which can destroy the teeth’s enamel and lead to tooth decay. Here are some things to avoid.
- Sugary drinks pose a greater risk because you tend to sip them.
- Carbonated drinks are even worse because carbonation increases the acidity.
- Sticky candies should also be avoided because they linger on the surface of the teeth.
Final Thoughts
Good oral hygiene can effectively ward off tooth decay and gum diseases. If you take a few minutes to brush them twice a day and floss once, you’ve got many years of healthy teeth and gums ahead. Practicing preventive actions for your health is a better approach than treating problems. This approach is recommended not only for your gums and teeth, but for your overall health as well.