We live in a toxic world. Chemicals and microbes, allergens and radioactivity, even too much exposure to sunlight, can lead to toxic conditions in the body that, at the very least, interfere with our lifestyle, and, at the worst, threaten our very well being.
The ancients did discover that herbal infusions of certain herbs and spices could have a soothing effect on troubled stomachs, even troubled minds, when administered properly. This eventually led to the modern herbal tea industry. The Tea Association of the USA says that in 2016 Americans drank over three billion gallons of tea. And a growing percentage of that is herbal tea, which is being touted as an effective toxic cleanser for the body.
What’s fact and what’s fiction, when it comes to the benefits of drinking herbal tea as a cleansing agent for the body? Let’s take a look at a few reasons below, and for further reading, here’s a list of the 10 best detox teas on the market today:
Your basic black and green tea, loaded with caffeine, is also loaded with antioxidants, which medical science is investigating for its ability to slow the aging process, increase cellular replenishment, encourage brain stimulation, regularity, and working as a tonic in the liver — helping that organ to filter and purify the blood at quicker and more efficient levels. Leaving aside the obvious effects of a dose of caffeine in the morning, doctors now often recommend a cup of either black or green tea in the morning to help stimulate the bowels and bring the kidney and liver up to speed for the rest of the day. But health conscious people have grown leary of caffeinated beverages, whether it be tea, coffee, cola soft drinks, or energy drinks. Caffeine is often equated with nicotine by today’s healthier-living generation.
That’s why there is increasing interest in herbal tea, tea that does not contain an appreciable amount of caffeine. Studies indicate that herbal tea toxic cleanses are mildly effective in helping the kidney rid itself of toxic substances, and that they also can be helpful in curing constipation. But those who regularly imbibe any kind of herbal tea should carefully read the ingredients before steeping that bag in hot water too frequently. That’s because many herbal teas that claim to have cleansing properties contain senna root — which is a known laxative. You might wind up giving yourself ‘too much of a good thing,’ and become unduly inconvenienced at inopportune times!
The most important aspect of any ‘teatox,’ though, is what you eat while on it. Most doctors and nutritionists recommend continuing to eat small portions of your normal daily diet when you attempt an herbal tea detox. Herbal tea by itself contains almost no nutrients or vitamins – so fasting more than a day or two while drinking only herbal tea is not recommended, especially for anyone under the age of twelve, over the age of sixty, and pregnant women.
And finally, if you choose a herbal tea that has a bitter or unfriendly taste, don’t fall into the trap of sweetening it with a lot of white sugar. That defeats the whole purpose of a herbal tea detox! There are many different brands of detox herbal teas on the market — find one that tastes pleasant to you without any sweetening.