What You Should Know About CBD Products

While the Food and Drug Administration has been cracking down on some of the more extravagant claims about CBD, it has also given it the seal of approval for treating 2 different kinds of epilepsy. Cannabidiol is showing up in markets across the U.S. in many different forms — including, but not limited to, capsule, extract, oil, and even in a vaporized liquid form. The Mayo Clinic has seen a spike in interest in CBD right after Congress authorized a new Farm Bill recently that eases the restrictions on planting cannabis. 

The Mayo Clinic has recently posted some of the possible side effects of using CBD in any form. They include fatigue, drowsiness, dry throat, diarrhea, and loss of appetite. Pregnant women should always check with their medical doctor before taking any form of CBD. It is not recommended for children under twelve, or for those with chronic liver and kidney problems. If you plan on using some version of CBD you should always purchase it from a store with a reliable reputation, such as Verum, Walgreens, Walmart, or CVS — they have in-house inspection procedures to make sure the CBD you purchase is standardized and safe. 

While CBD is not supposed to have any THC in it, studies have shown that some brands purchased online did contain a small amount of the psychoactive oil. So be wary when purchasing online. 

Martha Stewart recently announced she’s partnering with a marketing company to offer a line of cat and dog supplements containing CBD for animal anxiety and allergies. Pet owners are encouraged to never medicate their dog or cat with CBD themselves, without the oversight of a professional veterinarian. 

Between Congress, the FDA, and the FTC, rules and regulations regarding CBD are still a patchwork affair. So check with your local pharmacist to find out, first, if it’s legal in your state, and second, in what form will you be able to purchase it.