Better known as a nose job or nose surgery, rhinoplasty is one of the more popular cosmetic surgery procedures. It is most often sought out by those who are looking to refine their profile and correct features that perhaps don’t leave them feeling their confident best.
Whether the concerns are as the result of the genetic draw, trauma and injury to the nose or a poorly done previous rhinoplasty, the results of a well-done surgery can be stunning.
Concerns rhinoplasty can address
Rhinoplasty can help to bring symmetry and balance to the face. It can also offer a number of medical benefits that include the correction of a deviated septum or fracture that may be impeding breathing. Having detailed rhinoplasty information on hand can help a patient to make an informed decision about this cosmetic procedure.
Some of the concerns that rhinoplasty can address directly include the following.
- Wide, high or low bridge
- Over-projecting tip, boxy tip, short tip or a droopy tip
- Broken nose that wasn’t set well
- Enlarged nostrils
- Deviated septum
- Unexpected or unwanted alternations from previous rhinoplasty
Who is a good rhinoplasty candidate?
The best way to determine whether or not you are a good candidate for nose surgery is to schedule a consultation with your surgeon.
Typically speaking, the ideal candidate will be in good physical health. While the procedure is widely considered to be routine and safe, it’s best that there aren’t any underlying healthy concerns when considering a surgical procedure. Good mental health should also be a consideration, and patients should have realistic expectations about both the potential benefits and the potential limitations of the procedure itself.
Prior to your procedure
Before you undergo the rhinoplasty, you will consult with your surgeon. During this appointment you’ll be able to collaborate with your doctor, and discuss your goals for your cosmetic procedure. Your surgeon will then define the steps that are needed to help you meet your cosmetic surgery goals.
It is important that you follow the pre-surgery instructions that your surgeon will provide to you. This could include avoiding alcohol for several days prior to the procedure, and halting your use of some prescriptions for a time so that there are no complications during your procedure.
During the procedure
While some very minor procedures can be done under local anesthesia, you are more likely to be under general anesthesia for the duration of your surgery. The type of rhinoplasty procedure that your surgeon performs will depend on the results that you are looking for. A closed rhinoplasty ensures that there are no external incisions, while an open rhinoplasty will leave you with a small incision between your nostrils.
Once your procedure is complete, your surgeon may fit you with packing materials along with a splint and nasal bandage. The packing can typically be removed the very next day. Bandages should be changed as needed. Splits will often stay in place for a full week after surgery.
Recovering from a rhinoplasty
If all goes smoothly during the procedure, recovery should be no more than a full week. It’s suggested that you sleep with your head elevated for that full week. It’s also recommended that ice packs are used on the nose for 48 hours post-surgery, in order to minimise swelling.
Working out and taking part in other strenuous activities is not advisable.
Some swelling, bruising and mild bleeding can be experienced, along with moderate discomfort. The new shape of your nose will not be evident until it has fully healed, within a few weeks of the procedure.